I had a great conversation in Taiwan with Jesús. He’s a prominent cultural commentator and has one of the most popular Youtube Channels in Taiwan. His work includes man on the street interviews and insightful commentary on Taiwanese culture, immigration, and Taiwan's relationship with China.
We discussed the troubling phenomenon that I describe as the "epidemic of cowardice," which is affecting not only the United States but the entire Western world—the consequence of this cowardice emboldens tyrants. Every time you fail to stand up you give away freedoms. It is particularly vital to not give into the fear tactics of any regime. Stand up for what is right. This is one reason we went to Taiwan, whose citizens live in fear of a Chinese invasion.
Jesús is one of the brave men speaking out in defense of Taiwan. He warns that if China were to gain control of Taiwan’s microchip industry, it would be absolutely devastating to the Western world—China would instantly be an unmatched superpower.
Yes, & migrants will die annually as they try to make their from America to ☭ 🇨🇳 to live in prosperous peace & freedom HAH!
If China is able to secure Taiwan that would be devastating globally however Jesus is giving China too much credit. China has a sizeable military with shiny new weapons/vehicles and unlike with other/prior collectivist governments like the Soviet Union and North Korea, China has citizens that for the most part seem to be thoroughly indoctrinated enough into the CCP ideology that China's government need not worry about mass AWOL. All that said, much of what China projects to the world is more like a facade from a movie set; we're you see a street/block full of structures but only the front and a partial bit of the sides.
China is also playing a very risky and dangerous monetary game with their currency. China is a nation state that is held together very loosely and with just a few pulls in the right area you could begin it's tumble>
Jesus can't be unbiased about this being he is a resident of Taiwan. It's only natural that he's going to see things as worse than they really are as he faces the greatest immediate risk of harm should China even just try to secure Taiwan