Psychiatrist Miriam Grossman has been exposing falsehoods in the sex and gender industry since 2006. She has been a featured expert in many documentaries, including The Daily Wire’s What is a Woman? and Fox Nation’s The Miseducation of America. She has testified in Congress, lectured at the British House of Lords, and spoken before the United Nations. Her expert psychiatric opinion is frequently sought for witness testimony and court reports.
Jordan Peterson wrote the foreword to Miriam’s recent publication, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness. Her book offers practical advice to manage and prevent psychological and medical harm in the transgender assembly line.
In 2009, Miriam published You’re Teaching My Child What?, an exposé on ideological sex education curriculum used in public schools. A paperback edition with a new preface was released in September.
Find Miriam Grossman, MD on Twitter.
You asked, “What explains the partisanship of this?” 58:08 I think there are two factors contributing to the current levels of partisanship.
-- I think the first contributing factor is highlighted in the conversation between Bret Weinstein and Dave Rubin.
"You asked me what we should keep if we were interested in not just sidelining progressivism." - Bret Weinstein
"I think that is a message that most conservatives hear; I mean, the word conserve is in there and conserving the environment is part of that." - Dave Rubin
Academics seem to have a fascination with the idea that people can be separated into those favoring progressive intuitions and those favoring conservative intuitions. Perhaps this can explain why there is a reproducibility problem in science since taking the time to verify and defend what is already in the canon of knowledge would be too conservative of an idea to be tolerated in academia. I think a lot of people associate Democrat (left) with progressive (new) and Republican (right) with conservative (old) in the Hegelian sense, creating a natural negative sentiment override.
-- The second contributing factor to the level of partisanship is the tension between people who believe science education reforms should be driven by scientific advancement and people who think science reforms should be driven by political agenda and used to force-feed ideology to prevent children from becoming anything other than the ideal citizen. Consider that anyone who openly questions gender ideology is labeled “conservative”, if you don’t think science is racist...“conservative”. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has now prioritized fighting racism in science.
New Film Series Explores Science’s Role in Fighting Racism | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
The AAAS is clearly ideologically captured, the question is how long the organization has been focused on forwarding a particular ideology rather than the advancement of science. I would suggest that a decade ago, there is reason to believe there were already a very large percentage of Americans who already believed the AAAS was ideologically captured. This returns the idea of left and right in American politics. Creationism has long been considered the conservative idea, with evolution being the progressive idea.
“The American Association for the Advancement of Science (2021) states that “the foundation of all life sciences is biological evolution”. 98 percent of its members express support for the statement that humans have evolved over time (Pew Research Center, 2015). In contrast, evolution is a highly charged topic among the US population with only 65 percent agreeing that humans have evolved over time.” (Pg 2)
The AAAS has a history of using the views of its members as justification for labeling particular views as “scientific”. 98% is an impressive number of members in agreement. Coincidentally, Dr James Tour has been kept out of another prestigious organization, the National Academy of Sciences because of his views about biological evolution. This implies 65% of the US population potentially believed organizations like the AAAS were ideologically captured and used as ideological weapons before gender ideology was a noticeable concern. I believe the word conservative has become a placeholder for the phrase “politically incorrect” in American politics. It might be worth considering whether using the words progressive and conservative is really a good idea to begin with.
America needs a recovery conversation. We are in Negative Sentiment Override (NSO). We need to get into Positive Sentiment Override.
I - and parent friends concerned about gender ideology - are always on the lookout for that one article or podcast we can share with people who think we’re nuts and who will give only a smidge of their time to considering our point of view. This is the best comprehensive podcast I’ve come across to fit that bill. Am going to start sharing it ASAP.