Today, I’ll be going live on YouTube with Wilfred Reilly. Paid subscribers can leave a question below directed at Wilfred.
Author and cultural critic Wilfred Reilly is a gadfly to mainstream narratives concerning race, crime, and gender ideology. His books include Taboo: 10 Facts You Can't Talk About and Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War. His upcoming book, Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me, will be available in February 2024. Wilfred’s writing is also published in the Wall Street Journal, the National Review, USA Today, Commentary Magazine, Tablet, Quillette, and many other outlets.
Wilfred is an Assistant Professor of Political Sciences at Kentucky State University. His research interests include international relations and prevention of war, contemporary American race relations, and empirical testing of political claims. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Southern Illinois University and a law degree from the University of Illinois.
Find Wilfred Reilly on Twitter.
I really enjoy Wilfred's commentary and analysis. I was just listening to one of his YouTube videos yesterday. Many on the right seem to have been fans of the now-unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policies, whereas many on the left lament the number of guns on the street. I'd love to know what Wilfred thinks about the plausibility of the idea of implementing stop-and-frisk checkpoints in high crime areas that merely search for and confiscate illegal guns without the accomoanying criminal prosecution for possessing one. This seems like it could price armed criminals out of the market if they have to frequently buy new guns to replace the conficlscated ones, yet their income source is contingent upon already having one.