The Reverse Q&A is about to begin! We currently have eight colleges and universities scheduled:
Note: All events are free and open to the public.
The purpose of the Reverse Q&A is to platform students, listen to their concerns, and learn about their experiences with Social Justice (also called “Critical Social Justice” or “Wokeism”) in the classroom and on campus. In March of 2020, I piloted the first event at Portland State University and my team and I have used that experience to improve future events. For instance, we’ll be showing parts of Travis Brown’s The Woke Reformation at the start of each evening.
Making this tour happen has been quite an undertaking. Besides myriad logistical concerns, much of the difficulty rests with universities actively attempting to prohibit the Reverse Q&As on campus. We were scheduled to go to Yale, for example, but the student organizer told us that a dean determined that the values of the tour do not align with their values. I believe them, as I don’t think they’re interested in listening to students or in having difficult conversations. Rather, I think they’re interested in pushing an ideological agenda where dissenters are viewed as heretics and bigots. Providing students with a voice and letting donors, alumni, and the public know what happens in the classroom directly threatens that agenda.
We will be live-streaming all events on my fledgling YouTube channel. Also, for paid subscribers, we’ll post the best behind-the-scenes footage on this Substack. As a reminder, all proceeds go directly to my nonprofit, National Progress Alliance. Finally, I’d like to sincerely thank donors and others who made this possible. Now let’s give dissident student dissidents a platform!
Where on the Purdue campus and at what time will the April 16 event take place?
Wonderful. I'm so encouraged and inspired by this counter-movement. I had the privilege (a word that has been misappropriated, I'm afraid,) to see Peter give a free lecture on critical thinking at Intel years ago and I attended but recently withdrew from Portland State University (where Peter resigned) for the intolerant, UNfree academic atmosphere there. May he soldier on--we need him!