Unholy Union: Atheists & Christians | Peter Boghossian & David Silverman
Livestream on YouTube today at 1pm PDT
Today at 1pm PDT, I am going live on Youtube with David Silverman. Paid subscribers can leave a question in the comments below directed at David.
Author and activist David Silverman is one of the best-known atheists in the United States. He has been a leading voice in the atheism movement for decades, previously serving as President for American Atheists and Executive Director for Atheist Alliance International. He broke ranks with these organizations when they were captured by the “religion of wokeism.” David is now the advisory board chair for Atheists for Liberty, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization promoting secularism, free speech, and enlightenment values.
David is the author of Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a Religious World. He recently published an article in Reality’s Last Stand expressing his concerns about atheists aligning with Christians in the fight against woke ideology.
You two guys were great together, like a team. Real individual commitment, and really funny. I watched last night, and today thought about the humor. Woke will always have limited appeal because it is so humorless. That's what I think. Thank you, again.
Silverman recently said,
"Scaring your children with tales of Hell and eternal damnation—which you know to be false—to deter them from becoming woke is nothing short of child abuse."
His statement causes many questions to come to mind, I'd like him to clarify his position a little more. I'd appreciate any of the following questions being asked.
If a child is raised as a Christian and it is determined that one of the parents is not a believer, should the child be taken from the abusive home or does the child need to raised Christian specifically to combat woke ideology for it to qualify as abuse?
Are parents of all church-going families abusive?
Should children be removed from all Christian homes or do head start and PreK programs influence the children early enough to effectively combat abusive effects of being raised with Christian beliefs?