Neoliberal. When the woke call someone a “neoliberal,” they basically mean that person is a capitalist and economically conservative. Typical neoliberal beliefs include strong private property rights, free markets, and free trade. Neoliberalism is a word that’s used fairly commonly by the woke, but not only by the woke. Nobody identifies as a neoliberal. This is because “neoliberal” is only used negatively or as an insult. When you hear the word “neoliberal,” or if you are called a neoliberal, translate that as: “This individual believes my economic views are wrong and that my holding them makes me a bad person.”
I've been in LA this week filming for an upcoming project and I was able to talk to and record a conversation with three street epistemologists—Roman, Anthony, and Michael.
Street Epistemology is a term I coined to describe a way of having conversations with people about why they believe what they believe.
In this conversation, we discuss Street Epistemology, the discomfort of changing your mind, cancel culture, dogmatism, social solidarity, "the vaccine question," attacking ideas rather than people, free speech, and more.
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