I don't get it. Is he arguing that recognition that races exist = racism? In the immortal words of Inigo Montoya, "You keep using that word. I dinna think it means what you think it means."

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This book is outrageous and dangerous. That anyone would laud it is reprehensible. Thank you for exposing its contents — I had no idea.

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Is it just me or is this summary too... objective? I feel as though it fails to address why racialized thinking is negative and damaging.

Either way, keep up the work and I’m looking fwd to the reverse Q & A.

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Pushing racism as he supposedly fights against it. Pure evil keeping racism stirred up.

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I am not conscious of race due to few visual skills. About 25 years ago I asked my good friend and dentist about a pin he was wearing. It was for the Society of Black Engineers (he had attended V

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