This was an interesting and entertaining (however depressing!) conversation. It made me think of an article–The Ethical TransRiddle–I wrote on the trans insanity (particularly rabid in Iceland, where I'm from) and managed to get published in Iceland's conservative and oldest newspaper (and once most widely read, before internet) in March 2022; I'd sent it to all my former journalist/reporter colleagues at the liberal "news" outlets, but without success. Before I moved to the US, I'd worked in Icelandic TV (and other media) for years, so many people of my generation and older may know who I am–big fish/little pond. The day after the article was published, my photo was on the front page of one of the country's main newspapers with the headline: "Morgunblaðið publishes Íris's propaganda against trans people!" When I realized that this was not satire, I had said front page framed. "Of course, human beings cannot change sex any more than they can make themselves invisible," I wrote later in another article (that wasn't accepted for publication anywhere in Iceland): "Imagine that expressing disbelief and outrage at the insane trans ideology should be the subject of a front-page 'news' article, instead of the madness itself! It is a sad testimony to 'Icelanders’ illiteracy when it comes to all kinds of propaganda and baseless image-building'" (quoting Iceland's Parliamentary Committee's Black Report on the causes of the 2008 Bank Collapse). https://irislee.substack.com/p/icelanders-still-illiterate-when

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If it's not clear, the attack on men is part of a larger plan to destroy healthy male/female relationship's. Why? This will in turn end teh nuclear family leaving a society of individuals and a a society of individuals instead of families is easier to manipulate and control. How so? Family members may exhibit some of the most hated relationships but blood runs thick and family backs family. If the government tries to go after a member of a family it will find that much harder then if it was an individual with no family. Generally speaking, individuals have no support structure; families do. Encourage a society of sexually open non-committed persons while still encouraging reproduction and you have such a society. The promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism are all a part of this. Anything that helps to promote the opposite of normal healthy male/female relationships. It's a war against the populace using psychology.

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Frankly, I'm enchanted. That universities have allowed themselves to lose people as intelligent and challenging as you two speaks volumes about how infectious stupidity can be. Thank you!

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Are Women OK?

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