What have you noticed about the nature of replies given to your questions during spectrum street epistemology provided by participants in Hungary versus the US?

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It has been awhile since asking a question. Thank you for your reply.

I am not familiar with Brazilian jiu-jistu, what about that particular discipline do you find useful?

Why would introducing it to a young person be a positive course.

Apologies if this has already been asked.

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An edit if I may, just finished your Freedom Pact youtube conversation.

Please clarify the "humbling" you spoke of, if you don't mind.

Thank you again for all you do and those that help put this content out to the world.

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Hey D,T--ask that question next time, we didn't have in time for recording!!

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Understood, will do. Thnx Gina

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Sorry for shouting :)

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All good Gina, I am old enough not to really get or care about 21st century tech protocols.

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Is this the place to ask questions? Here’s one that Pope Francis asks: Is it permitted to smoke while praying? OK, but then is it permitted to pray while smoking? Much depends on how you look at things.

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I’m a fellow Portland resident and have two young boys in Portland Public Schools. PPS does not hide the fact that all their curricula is based on CRT/Woke ideology. I’ve tried engaging with my sons’ Principals but it feels like I’m boiling the ocean. Having been in academia yourself all those years, what practical advice would you give parents who send their kids to public schools in liberal states?

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Excellent questions here, looking forward to hearing the responses. Thanks so much for these AMAs and all the other great content.

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Agreed Abrahamn, these episodes really help inform me and those I share the content with.

I find it a bit of a struggle, sharing the concepts brought up here. Certain individuals that are reluctant to hear these ideas, seem more receptive if I can humanize or at least share anecdotal info of Dr B and his merry band of interlocutors.

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If it can be shown with good scientific rigor that violent criminals are “cognitively underprivileged,” i.e. much more likely to have organic, genetic, or physical damage to the brain compared to non violent people, would that affect your view of what an ideal criminal justice system should look like?

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Can you tell us how you met your wife and what in your experience are the 3 key features of a good marriage?

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