NO. Because MEN are NOT WOMEN, they cannot be lesbians. They can be men who "identify" as women, even while they retain their penises and testicles and all their aggressive male hormones, but they cannot be lesbians. To be a lesbian one must be a BIOLOGICAL FEMALE. I learned this in school, years ago, but sadly, as so many people today are illiterate, they really think they can magically transform into something they cannot, so you have people deluding themselves into saying, "Yeah, I'm a woman with my dick and balls, and I'm a lesbian now." LOL... reality doesn't work that way, but delusion DOES.

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'Good' is not what most lesbians feel when they are told that they are transphobic for refusing to have intimate relations with men who claim to be lesbians.

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Technical correctness is inherently the most important type of correctness. If words had no set meaning, they could be used to mean anything, and thus, would be meaningless. Our species has an incredible gift of comparatively astonishing intellect and each successive generation inherits an exponentially increasing, priceless wealth of knowledge. Turning one's nose up at such a treasure because you can think of how you might be happier if different laws governed the workings of the universe seems like a tragic and solopcistic turn down a path to inevitable misery.

Back to the original question. Can men be lesbians? Not empirically, but if they worked at it, I don't see a reason why they couldn't have as happy and meaningful a life as the happiest lesbian (or non-lesbian) they know.

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Can women be gay men?

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This is corruption of language - spread by multiple Government agencies & entities. They want control over what, who we are allowed see, to hear, read. Where we go & how we get there / how we do everything/ anything.

Goal is to spread misinformation & disinformation to retain control of the masses. Keeping us mentally & emotionally off kilter - so we struggle to distinguish what is real or true. That is key. Why? Simply absolute Power, money & complete control to enact what the powerful elite & well connected decide is best for us - the others - simpletons - the masses.

The scam - They have decided Democracy is gravely endangered by people enjoying the privileges of living in a “Democracy”... mind control is vital to their mission... & that means destroying laws, US Constitution & everything they feel prevents them from reaching their goals.

Are we awake yet ... Fauci/NIH/FDA/CDC the pharmaceutical & health care is one part of the whole ... Deep State in lock step with dozens of other Government agencies we know & hundreds of offshoots we don’t. Massive Evil Complex.

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It's amusing to watch people twist themselves into a pretzel trying to make themselves right.

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We’re all tied up for ages in the courts of public philosophy, redefining the obvious to exhaustion, can we admit they won, they sued the sane over reality, and turned reality into onerous absurd defense of the unassailable?

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Thankfully, no. It would cost me a fortune in replacement wristwatches.

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Are we allowed to try?

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No. Born in the wrong body.

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Which part of Lesbania are you from, sir?

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I’m originally from lower regions of Hmmmm but our migratory patterns are much like the cobra chicken. We shit everywhere there’s a putting green.

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