I see this (gender dysphoria) as the same sort of malady as BIDD (body identity dysmorphic disorder) that is, people who believe they should be disabled in some way and who purposefully seek to have healthy limbs removed or to make themselves blind, etc. I literally cannot see any difference between the two. As such, we must end any affirmation and treat the mental disorder just as we (hopefully) would not amputate someone’s healthy leg or make them paraplegic just because their diseased mind has convinced them thats the way they were meant to be.

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Here's my reading of Christopher Rufo's interview of a doctor who says "affirmation" is telling a child to hate themselves. The current "affirmative care" makes the psychiatric illness worse.


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It's unfortunate that those who hold this position refuse to defend it. (Not Rufo, those who hold the other position.)

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It is indefensible because porn sick (or abused, traumatized, ADD, autistic, etc) men paid psychologists who thought this was a "sexy speciality" to make it A THING. It is a psychiatric illness and trans widows voices are the adults in the room who can tell you just how off the mental health practitioners are. We women are expected to be the sherpas, carrying the baggage up the North Face. Pun intended.


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No, someone cannot be born in the wrong body. This idea supposes that somehow the mind is a separate artifact from the body and is capable of "knowing" that it arrived to consciousness in the wrong vessel. We know that consciousness is an *artifact* of having a functioning brain, which indeed is very much an integral part of a living human body. The two are inseparable and cannot be logically divided. Your concept of who you are and what you think about it is entirely a manifestation of that which is occurring between your ears. So it makes no sense for someone to be "born in the wrong body" because the person and the mind are one and the same.

It bears mention that thinking body and mind are separate is fairly common. It is, of course, the underlying basis for the concept of the afterlife, which sadly is impossible. Absent a functioning brain, there is no consciousness, no "mind", and nothing after death. This will no doubt upset the religious among us, and for that I am truly sorry.

I think that the logical conclusion from the foregoing is that the feeling of having been assigned the wrong sex at birth is probably something more akin to a mental disorder than it is a true sense of something being wrong. I think society may be partially or even mostly responsible for this: we don't seem to have much tolerance for effeminate men nor masculine women. We also encourage superstition and the idea of a body/mind split. Ultimately we as a society have to get to the point where it's okay to be effeminate or masculine regardless of the sex we were assigned in the womb. Just because your personality traits don't necessarily meet with the stereotypical traits of your sex doesn't mean you're a bad person. Once we get society over that hurdle, I think the whole trans- and gender issues problem will fade away.

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Just wait until you hear my Helen Joyce interview. It addresses these points directly. I predict that you will love it!

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I'm religious and I am not upset. I think heaven is people remembering you well after you are gone. Hell is when you've done harm to others and that's how they remember you.

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Oh dear! Just because one is on the same side, we mustnt succumb to the "social pressure" to conform, that is the problem of the other insane side.

Your fundamental statement is totally wrong and has been disproved repeatedly both by pure Logisticians, as well as psychologists, biologists, physicists and Metaphysicist. Did you not read A N Whitehead?

If consciousness is only an artifact of the brain (this statement is to anyone having studied this so stupid as the gender benders ideas) how do you explain even one example of say, a first class maths graduate with no brain? If memory is stored in synapses between neurons, how can single celled organisms display learning and memory?

Did no one learn the point about echo chambers? Instead of bitter insane old fools like Dawkins and Dennett, try some real scientists like Sheldrake, Radin, Wolfgang Smith, Jim Tucker etc. Unless of course you are as scared to find out materialism is wrong, as much as the other extremists are scared to find out that male and female are fundamental opposites in all levels of nature.

You dont need a soul, because when materialism is accepted widely as nonsense, which it is, then you only need to proceed from consciousness first.

Funny that the faithful comment above is religious, yet mocks the "religious" as someone else. They are both wrong and it wont upset a scientist who has done the research!

I actually cant believe there are people so behind the times.

Prof Boghossian should know that in philosophy you have to question all assumptions - materialism is the weakest of all, and although we should be on the same side of seeking truth - if we take the wrong road from the start, the standard deviation is very great soon enough any we end up with deviation as standard.

Perhaps Prof B can be convinced just to interview Rupert Sheldrake, Bernardo Kastrup etc to prove that this isnt a materialist echo chamber but a truly open philosophical inquiry?

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Former psychiatrist. Transsexualism is real but incredibly rare. The acting out isn't LGBTQIA+, it's self-identified trans in the same age cohort (16-24) as revolutionaries, terrorists and all other confused people. There is no scientific evidence to support clusters. My best layman's guess is that it's group hysteria seeking attention.

Perhaps a maximum of 0.3% of the population. I refused to recommend medical intervention until the individual was at least 26, when the brain matures.

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Nobody is born in the wrong body. Sadly, some people do suffer from mental illness. What we know for sure is that the public education system should stay out of it. So should these creepy corporations that are firing people for writing, "leave children alone".


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I've recently had a complete rethinking of this as mental illness. Please see my interview with Helen Joyce—coming out soon!

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Ironically for a scientist with no assumptions, as we should all be, including the logically impossible child-like idea of "materialism = science" (its also a cult), it could sound a bit materialist (being grounded in biochemistry) to point out that there is no such thing as mental illness but only neurological insult - physical and chemical. Does anyone remember that 20 years ago and until recently, it was discussed in the mainstream how plastic additives caused reproductive harm not only in amphibians, fish etc, but in humans too? Why has no one here who follows the gender non-sense, also watched interviews by

https://www.shannaswan.com/ ?

Am assuming that no one else here is an expert in aluminium toxicity?

Prof Peter should interview Prof Chris Exley to hear about the research connecting autism with brain levels of metals, especially the above.

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A Black guy at Ametek Rotron manufacturer in Woodstock, NY was just summarily fired the same day he mentioned to a fellow wearing eyeshadow that the women there prefer he use the men's toilets.

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Well, that's crazy but also kind of hilarious.

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