Apr 25, 2023Liked by Peter Boghossian

It is interesting how this words=violence is repeated like a broken record by "trans ideologists" when the largest groups of murdered and assaulted persons happen not to be in this cohort. We trans widows, on the other hand, are constantly told we must not tell our stories, as the simple truth about what our narcissistic, verbally abusive, "female-identifying" husbands is well, distasteful. For a window into how this plays out, I give you the younger sister of a 33 year old man who is bald, wears no wig but "dresses feminine" and whose last interaction with their father, after a stroke and a week before he died, was rage scolding the old man for "misgendering." So, by them, an old man recovering from a stroke, seeing his bald son in a dress expresses confusion, which is "violence." These stories must be put out to the public. They are words, only words, my truth, a trans widow's and surviving sister's truths.


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Peter this is profound. Now I think I understand where your commitment to street engagement and street epistemology is coming from. You are so right. Because if we shut down words with the false claim that words are 'violence', we will have real violence. There will be no other channel open.

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"Words are violence" or "Silence is violence" are woke language tactics meant to advance woke ideology. In the article under discussion, the woke are trying to change the definition of violence from physical assault to communication that woke activists disagree with (Words are violence). My latest Substack covers more examples of woke word games at https://2026.substack.com/p/woke-word-games

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Peter - Violence is by definition a behavior. Words are but a tool for communication; they can not engage in any type of behavior. Claiming words are equal to violence is like saying math is racists; it simply makes no sense unless you redefine what the meaning of violence is.

This is about trying to convince the public to embrace controlled/compelled speech. If they can successfully sell the idea that words are violence then no one will ever be able to speak freely and honestly again. They sold teh public on the idea of hate crimes so while damming it won't be to surprising if they can convince enough to accept that words are violence.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

Hi all.

Can words be violence?

It's so obvious they cause much violence, in many powerful and significant ways unless they are looked at out of full context.

When taken out of living context, much truth dies. A piece of history viewed without understanding it's context can be seriously misunderstood. Gotta view and judge things in proper context.

To say words can't be violence is a failure to understand the false LOGOS/REASON base of western society. Ignorance of foundational false facts makes correction impossible.

The article/video uses a simple logical syllogism that seems true in the Word/Logos sense. Strictly speaking violence is "physical force used to inflict injury or damage," words can and do CAUSE injury and damage. But technically the article/vid is correct because words language can't themselves use physical force, BUT once in the mind, through human causality, they can and do. Avoiding an issue, by looking at it out of true context, doesn't tackle it.

The human mind is a very powerful part of objective reality! When words get in there, into its core, they can and do have some of the more powerful effects in objective reality. Everyone knows this in various ways, for example:

I believed false stories about reality were true and it did physical and mental harm to myself in many deep and profound ways. This happened to me, fundamentally because of the planning in Plato that founded western civilisations religious/political beliefs and practices. This has happened to billions. There are 4 billion on the planet that are statistically Christian/Islamic. I heard of a girl that hanged herself to go to heaven and be with her dad, because she missed him so much. Words cause murderous violence. The holy wars of old and belief in America wars and all those folded flags. Believed in Ideas/words never did any harm, not ever it's impossible ... except um ... reality.

Those being described as influenced by 'Woke' ideology are under an upgraded form of philosophical ideology creating the same 'Religious Sense' of Judaism/Christianity/Islam because like them they stem from the same base planning in Plato, it's just been upgraded and genre transitioned.

Because of Words/Logos—(a false core of Reason), I lived much of my life with a mental picture of reality that was false and it caused me to think and live in ways that were harmful to myself, my family ... and even my employment was based on adherence and promotion of harmful beliefs about reality and society. The WOKE are an upgraded non-religious form of the same. They are victims of violence done by words and they do violence by supporting and indoctrinating others to the same.

Western society has been based on lies for thousands of years. People that believe these lies, live by faith in them. It doesn't matter much if the lies are in a Religious, Historical, Scientific, Political, Nationalistic Social Justice etc. genres. They all cause what Fichte terms the 'Religious Sense' which at heart is faith in philosophical narratives, laden with Ideas, that are not reality based.

In human causality, thought comes before action. When powerful philosophical indoctrination occupies much in the core of reason, thinking and living is powerfully energised and driven by it. In a devestatingly real sense there is a philosopher in such minds, ruling as LORD, through the Ideas/narrative. This is, "The Cave of Plato", which is reiterated in the "Vat of Descartes" but my favourite re-expression of Plato's Cave is "The Unknown God" in which we live and move and have our being in Acts. It equates to being "In A Simulation" in a philosophical mental movie people think it's real and so naturally, through their cognitive faculties, unknowingly live in faith based obedience with all the energy of righteous believers on a mission from God to make a better world. The kingdom of God/Plato has come and few know that philosophy, in particular Plato, is at the base of western society to this day. The cloak has been upgraded but it's still the same philosophical/Platonic Ideas living in it.

Belief—pre-conceptions, blind with extreme power! Those that are unaware their cognitions grow from Platonic—philosophical trunks, are unable to cut off the problem at its base because they can't see what their own mental world stems from, but they can spend a lot of time hacking at new branches. This is predictable and expected. The planning in Plato is quite specific concerning this, and it's expressed in the Bible also. The plan is to just wait till the old unbelieving generation dies and then the new generation can enter the promised land as a new collective/Age which is defined by belief in it's new Ideology.

Well I hope a couple of thoughts here help, though I expect existing preconceptions to shape what most see. Those in an age can't see it's influence upon them and they can't just change their minds, that is subject to causality.

When you can't see what your opponent is really doing, guess who ends up on the dirt. Look and learn to think out a strategy that can and will work in reality. If it takes 5 or 10 years to go through this process then to not go through it means losing forever. It is impossible to pass on knowledge and understandings one doesn't have.

Cheers all



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