Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que: 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau pour croire que les Juifs sont leur salut; et 2., leur anglais est merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour écouter ou voir ce qui se passe manifestement autour d'eux... Je pense que les élections sont fausses, juste un spectacle, les Juifs possèdent les médias. Le communisme est une idéologie juive venue de Londres, Marx a passé la plupart de sa vie là-bas.
Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message vénéneux depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratiques et communistes sont une chose récente, mais ils ne sont venus que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux... Nous socialistes nationaux est venu à libéré Paris, nous ne l'avons pas détruit.
Aucun pays ne mène sa propre course dans cette invasion parce qu'il s'agit d'un programme politique dirigé par l'ONU et poussé en avant par les Juifs et leurs marionnettes (les politiciens). La plupart des gens ne sauront tout simplement pas ou ne comprendront pas qu'il s'agit d'un programme politique. Cependant, certains parviennent à comprendre que les politiciens travaillent délibérément à importer des musulmans et à remplacer les gens, mais c'est à peu près tout, ils sont comme un ordinateur qui ne peut pas fonctionner parce que le programme ne le permet pas... Les banquiers juifs inondent l'Europe de musulmans et l'Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde.
Les gens demandent parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s'entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement qui a souvent été ouvertement anti-religieux prend-il le parti d'une religiosité farouche qui semble s'opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a jamais prétendu représenter? Une partie de l'explication est que l'islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune: le judaïsme.
Faen deg og din jødiske gud . . . Jødisk messianisme har spredt sitt giftige budskap blant oss i nesten to tusen år. Demokratiske og kommunistiske universalisme er nyere, men de har bare kommet for å forsterke den gamle jødiske fortellingen. Dette er de samme idealene.
De transnasjonale, transrasiale, transseksuelle, transkulturelle idealene som disse ideologiene forkynner for oss (utover folkeslag, rase, kultur) og er den daglige næring i skolene våre, i våre media, i vår populærkultur, hos universitetene og på gatene våre, har vår biosymbolske identitet og vår etniske stolthet redusert til sitt minimale uttrykk.
In 1996 I gave a presentation to a Board of Directors in Paris. Mid-presentation they stopped me to ask if I had English versions of the slides, and if so would I use those. I complied, and at the end the Chairman approached me. "It's amazing. You speak so well and write like shit!"
Robert Surcouf est un célèbre corsaire malouin qui multiplia au début du XIXe siècle les prises de navires anglais, gênant considérablement la route commerciale anglaise. Un officier anglais lui dit un jour: “Vous, Français, vous vous battez pour de l'argent. Et nous, Anglais, nous nous battons pour l'honneur.” Surcouf répondit alors que: “Chacun se bat pour ce qui lui manque.”
Je sais qu'il y a des juifs dans les colonies anglaises. Ces marranes vont partout où il y a de l'argent à gagner... Mais que ces circoncis qui vendent de vieux vêtements prétendent être de la tribu de Nephtali ou d'Issacar n'a pas la moindre importance. Ce sont, tout simplement, les plus grands scélérats qui aient jamais sali la face de la terre. — François-Marie Voltaire, Lettre à Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, 15 décembre 1773.
Me veo obligado a escribir en varios idiomas porque: 1. A la mayoría de las personas en los Estados Unidos les han lavado el cerebro para que crean que los judíos son su salvación; y 2., su inglés es una mierda y no pueden permanecer en silencio el tiempo suficiente para escuchar o ver lo que obviamente está pasando a su alrededor... Creo que las elecciones son falsas, solo un espectáculo, los judíos son dueños de los medios. El comunismo es una ideología judía que vino de Londres, Marx pasó la mayor parte de su vida allí.
El judeo-mesianismo ha estado difundiendo su venenoso mensaje entre nosotros durante casi dos mil años. Los universalismos democráticos y comunistas son algo reciente, pero solo han venido a reforzar la vieja narrativa judía. Son los mismos ideales...
Ningún país está liderando su propia carrera en esta invasión porque es una agenda política dirigida por la ONU e impulsada por los judíos y sus títeres (los políticos). La mayoría de la gente simplemente no sabrá ni entenderá que este es un programa político. Sin embargo, algunos logran entender que los políticos están trabajando deliberadamente para importar musulmanes y reemplazar personas, pero eso es todo, son como una computadora que no puede funcionar porque el programa no lo permite. Los banqueros judíos están inundando Europa con musulmanes y América con Basura Tercera mundial.
La gente a veces pregunta por qué la izquierda europea se lleva tan bien con los musulmanes. ¿Por qué un movimiento que a menudo ha sido abiertamente antirreligioso se pone del lado de una religiosidad feroz que parece oponerse a casi todo lo que la izquierda ha afirmado representar? Parte de la explicación es que el Islam y el marxismo tienen una raíz ideológica común: el judaísmo.
Knulla dig och din judiska gud . . . Judisk messianism har spridit sitt giftiga budskap bland oss i nästan två tusen år. Demokratiska och kommunistiska universalismer är nyare, men de har bara kommit för att förstärka den gamla judiska berättelsen. Dessa är samma idealen.
De transnationella, transraciala, transsexuella, transkulturella idealen som dessa ideologier predikar för oss (bortom ras, folk, kultur) och är det dagliga uppehället för våra skolor, i media, i vår popkultur, vid våra universitet och på våra gator har vår biosymbolisk identitet och vår etniska stolthet reducerad till deras minimala uttryck.
you have a point except even the class obsession is meaningless because thomas sowell and others showed that americans rarely stay in the same socio econ groups. ppl start off withlower incomes and less wealth in their youth and gain income and wealth and then end of making and having less as they get older. There is mobility. The individual people who made up the top 20 percent of income earners 20 years ago are NOT the same people today. Sanders has a kindergarteners understanding of econ
Bernie Sanders is a Trotskyist, according to Paul Kengor, academic advisor for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. A Trotskyist is a type of communist.
I was raised in the Mosaic tradition . I was kosher until i was 18 and bar mitzvah. My ancestors were from poland and austria. I am a medical professional. You humiliate and shame yourself with your irrational bigotry
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
So I suppose Einstein and Leonard berstein were just “dirty kikes”
Its evil to condemn an entire culture or people for the actions or beleifs of a few.
Thats the definition of racism
What about Rothbard or Ludwig Mises?
Im just as opposed to bernie sanders political views as you. Just as opposed to american taxes going to support Israel. samders might be a partisan ideologue but his jewishness hs nothing do to with it
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
Trotsky opposed Stalin. He was exiled from Russia in 1929. His disagreements with Lenin were exaggerated and used during the 1936 Moscow "show" trials where he - and several others - were condemned to death. He was assassinated in 1940 in Mexico by a stalinist agent. Revolutions have a habit of devouring their young.
Could you please keep your anti-semitism in check ?
Marx, Freud, Einstein, all of Jewish descent, gave us some of the important theories that helped shape the 20th century. We should be grateful for their work and the knowledge they helped unlock. Many other thinkers, scientists, inventors, were non-jewish. As a female it annoys me that most of them were males, but that does not change the great respect I feel for them.
Fuck you and your Jewish god . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
I have never been f...d by a god, not a Jewish one or a Nordic one. But as I am not dead yet, who knows what will happen in the future and bring me blissful joy.
Could be. He means well, but he's representing wealthy Ben and Jerries up there in Vermont. Not the rural poor. Who can't afford anything in his state. Also, other than the "TQ" not very diverse. Almost moved there, changed my mind when I realized.
Communists are not well meaning. Their goal is to destroy U.S. democracy and replace it with communism. Communism is the world's deadliest ideology and has killed more than 100 million people worldwide, more than 10 times more than the Nazis. They are expansionist with an ultimate aim of global communism. The woke activists we have today are the latest variant of cultural Marxism, also called woke Marxism or Critical Social Justice. Source: The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation at
Henry Ford initiated some clever ideas in car design, manufacturing, management. Sadly, he was also an anti-semite.
In the Second World War a large part of the Resistance in the occupied countries, was formed by young people who identified as socialists/communists. Many paid for their heroism with their life.
antiscumitic ‧ an·ti-Scu·mit·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective; generally, a person who does not like chosen parasites, feeling or showing hostility toward international bankers, holy chosen nation robbers, or discrimination against pederasts, pornographers, or other hook-nosed rat like creatures from East of the Sinai Peninsula.
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is the leading source of expertise about communism in the U.S. Their new Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, DC, is a must-see for all Americans. In addition, archives released in the 1990s from Russia and the US, including reports from the FBI and Congress, show that communists massively infiltrated the US federal government in the 1940s and 1950s. Since this has been documented thoroughly and extensively, perhaps it's time for the media and politically biased history books to catch up so the public is better informed. Good places to start are "Stalin's Secret Agents" by M. Stanton Evans, "Dupes" by Paul Kengor and "American Betrayal" by Diana West.
Marxists are impervious to facts and evidence. They rely on emotional displays and their faith in a cult religion since they have no valid arguments. In fact, they are anti-argument and anti-debate as well as anti-science and anti-factual evidence.
That Sanders keep kept getting reelected all the zeros is it indictment of the American system. It’s just another example of how failed the American experiment is
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Sanders appears to have a set of principles on which he relies for decision-making. In US Presidential politics this is both rare and invaluable. At the time of an election the important issues are rarely on the radar. Thus, it is easy for a politician to make promises designed to reap the greatest number of votes, whether or not it is subject to change based on whim or short-term political or personal advantage.
Barrack Obama lost my support when his "based on principles" decision to accept public financing was overturned as soon as he learned how much money he could raise by rejecting public financing. This told me that when an issue arose, he would make decisions based on short-term advantage rather than any set of principles. Unfortunately, that proved prophetic.
What you call "principles" are in fact policies. The key to policies is not how nice they sound but their consequences when implemented in real life. Sanders does not have a track record of implementing successful policies that are beneficial for people in the United States.
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
❝If it is ❛Anti-Semitism❜ to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like ❛Americanism❜. Communism all over the world―and not only in Russia―is Jewish.❞ ― Henry Ford
Whats troubling is that someone like obama ever had your “support “ in the first place. Give me a man like clinton over sanders or obama anyday. Clinton has no principles at all and will say and do anything for votes. But men like sanders and obama actually believe the toxic sanctimonious cant they spew and that makes them extremely dangerous
I saw a contest for the presidency coming down to Obama versus Hillary Clinton. I found HRC to be amoral at best, completely absent ethics at worst (not to mention most likely). 2008 was a bad year to be a Republican.
On reflection, HRC v Obama was really a wash. Bill Clinton was entirely different, a pragmatist. His "brilliant" leadership on the economy was nothing of the sort. Reagan slew inflation and GHW Bush contributed the Peace Dividend. Bill Clinton had the good sense simply to get out of the way of the economy.
Makes sense. I see your logic . I feel however that Complex economic and social problems can never be solved by government. They can only be sort of government gets out of the way. And even Reagan doubled the size of the federal budget.
I think the greatest thing that could happen in the United States is for 80 -90% or more of eligible voters Should just not show up and not vote. Voting is like facilitating an alcoholic. Why lend legitimacy to a failed bankrupt system. In the Soviet union even the leaders eventually lost faith in the system, and finally the thing broke up
That’s what needs to happen here
We live in a domestic empire ruled by 550 odd petty tyrants in washington DC.
The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
“Obama was selected before he was elected. And the people that selected him were rich, powerful members of the Jewish community. They selected him to be their first Jewish president.” — Louis Farrakhan
Cenk Uygur is a master of the Motte and Bailey. You have to be, if you want to become as influential (and prosperous) as he is on the Left. He knows what the definition, in practice, of "equity" is that's being used to steamroll American culture into Globohomo mediocrity, and he knows that that working definition is one that most Americans would find objectionable, so whenever he's pressed for a definition, he knows which meaning of the term "equity" to assert; they're not the same definition, and he knows that.
Sorry but I’m aghast that you said you truly respect Sanders. He’s a free-loading communist who has ran for president mainly to get funds for a new mansion. He wouldn’t know hard work if it came knocking at his door. He was kicked out of a commie commune for being too lazy.
The story is a bit different. B.S. visited the commune in 1971, for a few days, while doing research for an article about natural childbirth, breastfeeding, child rearing. Being an incessant talker and debater he did little else, keeping others from doing their assigned chores, for that reason he was asked to leave.
Basically the same thing…incessant talking and doing nothing. He’s a communist and lists himself as Socialist. Why he is re-elected as a Democrat in VT, makes me wonder about the gene pool in that state.
No, it is a different story than the one you thought you needed to tell here. It is described as a "hippie" commune, why you state these people were communists I do not understand. To bad-mouth them ? Experiments with communes - in different degrees - have been going on for over 150 years already, in many countries. All failed in the end. That type of idealism is hard to keep up when the body gets older and the joints start to ache.
There is a difference between socialism and communism. But you use "communist" as a derogatory term, so there is little to be achieved by trying to educate you in this regard.
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . .
The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Other ways equity is implemented by the woke include the government-imposed redistribution of resources and the government-imposed same outcomes. Equity is always imposed by the government, by force if necessary, because it never happens on its own. Totalitarian control is required. I agree with Peter that equity is the opposite of equality--clearly and concisely explained in his video at
Apparently Mr. Boghossian is preaching to an attentive choir.
Taxes are a way of leveling the playing field in a society and are part of being a citizen. No totalitarian control required. You can vote. Or you can vote with your feet: emigrate to elsewhere.
That moment revealed everything I love and loathe about Sanders. I love that he is a no-nonsense, down-to-Earth communicator who passionately defends liberal-populist principles such as equal opportunity for all. I loathe that he seems to be clueless and disinterested in the details of public policy, both in terms of trying to effect through realistic legislation the type of society he envisions and in terms of the way his "progressive" values are reworked by his younger acolytes into the applied "social justice" apparatus of today.
I've started The Heggen Lexicon on my eponymous youtube channel, Ute Heggen. I substitute the term cross-sex ideation for "gender dysphoria" which, according to lots of Bernie supporters, doesn't need to even be distressing any more. Rather than allow leftists to make bio-realists into far right ultra religious strawmen to joust at with "transphobia" accusations, reply with accurate terms. So far, detransitioners are quite receptive, as are my(unfortunately) growing cohort of trans widows.
Biden doesn't even pick out his own socks in the morning . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee . . .
Jeopardy contestant: Ukrainian money laundering for 500, Alex . . . ding ding ding . . . it's the DAILY DOUBLE!!!
What does Israeli Volodymyr Zelensky have in common with Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX), Secretary Janet L. Yellen (U.S. Treasury), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Larry Fink (BlackRock), and Benjamin Netanyahu???
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) is acquiring Silicon Valley Bank’s U.K. arm... HSBC got in trouble for laundering drug cartel money, former FBI director James Comey was on their board of directors... Attorney General Loretta Lynch let HSBC off the hook with a small fine.
Leftist can't keep up their own vocabulary . They have to keep changing labels to try to stay ahead of the truth. Leftism itself seems to be insanity in a race with reality.
Deciphering a lot of this cult-like nomenclature is a tedious waste of time for most people and its use obscures the truth about what communism really is and where it actually came from. But that is exactly its purpose . . . “Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
Peter, you have a shit storm of weird going on here. Just for the record, while many Jews were in the Communist parties early on, many Jews believe in a system of regulated capitalism. The lingua franca &etc here demonstrates an unsavory side of the dialogue. As a woman who converted to Judiasm and has been called a "kike" as well as been defamed by ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews, I warn you that this happens in the blog o sphere, and it is best, actually, to ban them from the channel, to keep the discussion sane and rational. You're on the tightrope here, man. Note the words juif, judeo, jodiske, musulmans (Muslims) and judeos. Do your homework. The one, jodiske, is my mother's native Norwegian.
"Gaslighting" may be an accurate description what Cenk it doing here. However, the fact that he is plainly stating that he agrees with Bernie that equality of opportunity matters most, should be considered progress! Perhaps this is his face-saving way of being persuaded by better arguments. OK, fine. Let him have it. We've got to give our opponents (fellow Americans) room to change their minds. If we don't, they'll just dig in their heels and then no progress will be made.
This is how we get beyond Woke. Leftists like Bill Maher recognize the insanity, ask questions in a respectful manner of the certain Leftists who don't obfuscate, and the truth is made clear. Made clear to a few at first, but it is made so clear that it spreads.
Cenk has gone crazy. I used to watch The Young Turks a decade ago when they would give Ron Paul some play on television, but they can no longer pretend to be any sort of neutral.
Thank you for shining a light on the fact that most individuals, organizations, and institutions have no idea what they mean or what they intend to mean when they profess a commitment to equity. I don't believe Cenk Uygur represents the far-left Critical Social Justice Ideology at all... such folks would quickly slap him down and tell them without pause that for them equity and social justice are two completely different and opposed goals from their perspective; this is because far-left Critical Social Justice ideologues wholesale reject the work and progress of second wave anti-racists and the focus on equality. I appreciate the resources you provide to people to help them better understand the neo-reconstructionist view of racial equity - very nice. For folks who want to learn more about Race Ideology-in-Practice: Racial Equity in American Learning Environments please also check out my article at:
Protocols of Zion: Protocol VIII – Provisional Government
We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal subject of the teaching given to the jews. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and – the main thing – millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.
Deciphering a lot of this cult-like nomenclature is a tedious waste of time for most people and its use obscures the truth about what communism really is and where it actually came from. But that is exactly its purpose . . . “Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
Im a “jew” and im not a communist. I know many ppl who identify as jewish and who are conservatives and not neocons or globalists. murray rothbard himself was jewish.
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
You realize you are writing this to a man who grew up speaking hebrew at home. Had 2 sets of deeply religious jewish grandparents amd was myself bar mitzvah.
Why is it that raging nazi haters like yourself gravitate towards what is otherwise a libertarian oriented movement. What happened to peace and voluntary cooperation.
My destiny is not to be punished . It is to live well and fight statism but also fight lunatics like you
“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire
Why on earth would one ever respect Bernie sanders?
Well, Vermont is what it is these days. They'll go broke when all the detransitioners sue the "sex change" doctors.
Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que: 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau pour croire que les Juifs sont leur salut; et 2., leur anglais est merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour écouter ou voir ce qui se passe manifestement autour d'eux... Je pense que les élections sont fausses, juste un spectacle, les Juifs possèdent les médias. Le communisme est une idéologie juive venue de Londres, Marx a passé la plupart de sa vie là-bas.
Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message vénéneux depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratiques et communistes sont une chose récente, mais ils ne sont venus que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux... Nous socialistes nationaux est venu à libéré Paris, nous ne l'avons pas détruit.
Aucun pays ne mène sa propre course dans cette invasion parce qu'il s'agit d'un programme politique dirigé par l'ONU et poussé en avant par les Juifs et leurs marionnettes (les politiciens). La plupart des gens ne sauront tout simplement pas ou ne comprendront pas qu'il s'agit d'un programme politique. Cependant, certains parviennent à comprendre que les politiciens travaillent délibérément à importer des musulmans et à remplacer les gens, mais c'est à peu près tout, ils sont comme un ordinateur qui ne peut pas fonctionner parce que le programme ne le permet pas... Les banquiers juifs inondent l'Europe de musulmans et l'Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde.
Les gens demandent parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s'entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement qui a souvent été ouvertement anti-religieux prend-il le parti d'une religiosité farouche qui semble s'opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a jamais prétendu représenter? Une partie de l'explication est que l'islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune: le judaïsme.
Vos opinions ne sont pas des faits. Veuillez citer les sources.
Faen deg og din jødiske gud . . . Jødisk messianisme har spredt sitt giftige budskap blant oss i nesten to tusen år. Demokratiske og kommunistiske universalisme er nyere, men de har bare kommet for å forsterke den gamle jødiske fortellingen. Dette er de samme idealene.
De transnasjonale, transrasiale, transseksuelle, transkulturelle idealene som disse ideologiene forkynner for oss (utover folkeslag, rase, kultur) og er den daglige næring i skolene våre, i våre media, i vår populærkultur, hos universitetene og på gatene våre, har vår biosymbolske identitet og vår etniske stolthet redusert til sitt minimale uttrykk.
Huh? Are you trying to prove you're so much better than us plebes, and you're a French speaking Vermonter?
Fuck you and your Jewish god.
In 1996 I gave a presentation to a Board of Directors in Paris. Mid-presentation they stopped me to ask if I had English versions of the slides, and if so would I use those. I complied, and at the end the Chairman approached me. "It's amazing. You speak so well and write like shit!"
Robert Surcouf est un célèbre corsaire malouin qui multiplia au début du XIXe siècle les prises de navires anglais, gênant considérablement la route commerciale anglaise. Un officier anglais lui dit un jour: “Vous, Français, vous vous battez pour de l'argent. Et nous, Anglais, nous nous battons pour l'honneur.” Surcouf répondit alors que: “Chacun se bat pour ce qui lui manque.”
Je sais qu'il y a des juifs dans les colonies anglaises. Ces marranes vont partout où il y a de l'argent à gagner... Mais que ces circoncis qui vendent de vieux vêtements prétendent être de la tribu de Nephtali ou d'Issacar n'a pas la moindre importance. Ce sont, tout simplement, les plus grands scélérats qui aient jamais sali la face de la terre. — François-Marie Voltaire, Lettre à Jean-Baptiste Nicolas de Lisle de Sales, 15 décembre 1773.
Try shoving a baseball bat up your ass, that might help a little.
Me veo obligado a escribir en varios idiomas porque: 1. A la mayoría de las personas en los Estados Unidos les han lavado el cerebro para que crean que los judíos son su salvación; y 2., su inglés es una mierda y no pueden permanecer en silencio el tiempo suficiente para escuchar o ver lo que obviamente está pasando a su alrededor... Creo que las elecciones son falsas, solo un espectáculo, los judíos son dueños de los medios. El comunismo es una ideología judía que vino de Londres, Marx pasó la mayor parte de su vida allí.
El judeo-mesianismo ha estado difundiendo su venenoso mensaje entre nosotros durante casi dos mil años. Los universalismos democráticos y comunistas son algo reciente, pero solo han venido a reforzar la vieja narrativa judía. Son los mismos ideales...
Ningún país está liderando su propia carrera en esta invasión porque es una agenda política dirigida por la ONU e impulsada por los judíos y sus títeres (los políticos). La mayoría de la gente simplemente no sabrá ni entenderá que este es un programa político. Sin embargo, algunos logran entender que los políticos están trabajando deliberadamente para importar musulmanes y reemplazar personas, pero eso es todo, son como una computadora que no puede funcionar porque el programa no lo permite. Los banqueros judíos están inundando Europa con musulmanes y América con Basura Tercera mundial.
La gente a veces pregunta por qué la izquierda europea se lleva tan bien con los musulmanes. ¿Por qué un movimiento que a menudo ha sido abiertamente antirreligioso se pone del lado de una religiosidad feroz que parece oponerse a casi todo lo que la izquierda ha afirmado representar? Parte de la explicación es que el Islam y el marxismo tienen una raíz ideológica común: el judaísmo.
Sus opiniones no son hechos. Sírvanse citar fuentes.
Knulla dig och din judiska gud . . . Judisk messianism har spridit sitt giftiga budskap bland oss i nästan två tusen år. Demokratiska och kommunistiska universalismer är nyare, men de har bara kommit för att förstärka den gamla judiska berättelsen. Dessa är samma idealen.
De transnationella, transraciala, transsexuella, transkulturella idealen som dessa ideologier predikar för oss (bortom ras, folk, kultur) och är det dagliga uppehället för våra skolor, i media, i vår popkultur, vid våra universitet och på våra gator har vår biosymbolisk identitet och vår etniska stolthet reducerad till deras minimala uttryck.
I'll give Bernie this much: At least in 2016 he was all about class, never about racial obsession. I wish the Wokies would think about that.
you have a point except even the class obsession is meaningless because thomas sowell and others showed that americans rarely stay in the same socio econ groups. ppl start off withlower incomes and less wealth in their youth and gain income and wealth and then end of making and having less as they get older. There is mobility. The individual people who made up the top 20 percent of income earners 20 years ago are NOT the same people today. Sanders has a kindergarteners understanding of econ
Bernie Sanders is a Trotskyist, according to Paul Kengor, academic advisor for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. A Trotskyist is a type of communist.
Just another filthy communist kike.
I was raised in the Mosaic tradition . I was kosher until i was 18 and bar mitzvah. My ancestors were from poland and austria. I am a medical professional. You humiliate and shame yourself with your irrational bigotry
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
So I suppose Einstein and Leonard berstein were just “dirty kikes”
Its evil to condemn an entire culture or people for the actions or beleifs of a few.
Thats the definition of racism
What about Rothbard or Ludwig Mises?
Im just as opposed to bernie sanders political views as you. Just as opposed to american taxes going to support Israel. samders might be a partisan ideologue but his jewishness hs nothing do to with it
There are ideologues and fanatics in every group.
I will pray for your soul
Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
Trotsky opposed Stalin. He was exiled from Russia in 1929. His disagreements with Lenin were exaggerated and used during the 1936 Moscow "show" trials where he - and several others - were condemned to death. He was assassinated in 1940 in Mexico by a stalinist agent. Revolutions have a habit of devouring their young.
Leon Trotsky . . . Lev Davidovich Bronstein . . . a kike
Vladimir Lenin . . . Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov . . . a kike
Josef Stalin . . . Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili . . . a kike
Could you please keep your anti-semitism in check ?
Marx, Freud, Einstein, all of Jewish descent, gave us some of the important theories that helped shape the 20th century. We should be grateful for their work and the knowledge they helped unlock. Many other thinkers, scientists, inventors, were non-jewish. As a female it annoys me that most of them were males, but that does not change the great respect I feel for them.
Fuck you and your Jewish god . . . Jewish messianism has been spreading its poisonous message among us for nearly two thousand years. Democratic and communist universalisms are more recent, but they have only come to reinforce the old Jewish narrative. These are the same ideals.
The transnational, transracial, transsexual, transcultural ideals that these ideologies preach to us (beyond race, people, culture) and that are the daily sustenance of our schools, in the media, in our pop-culture, at our universities, and on our streets have our biosymbolic identity and our ethnic pride reduced to their minimal expression.
I have never been f...d by a god, not a Jewish one or a Nordic one. But as I am not dead yet, who knows what will happen in the future and bring me blissful joy.
Could be. He means well, but he's representing wealthy Ben and Jerries up there in Vermont. Not the rural poor. Who can't afford anything in his state. Also, other than the "TQ" not very diverse. Almost moved there, changed my mind when I realized.
Communists are not well meaning. Their goal is to destroy U.S. democracy and replace it with communism. Communism is the world's deadliest ideology and has killed more than 100 million people worldwide, more than 10 times more than the Nazis. They are expansionist with an ultimate aim of global communism. The woke activists we have today are the latest variant of cultural Marxism, also called woke Marxism or Critical Social Justice. Source: The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation at
❝Communism all over the world―and not only in Russia―is Jewish.❞ ― Henry Ford
Henry Ford initiated some clever ideas in car design, manufacturing, management. Sadly, he was also an anti-semite.
In the Second World War a large part of the Resistance in the occupied countries, was formed by young people who identified as socialists/communists. Many paid for their heroism with their life.
antiscumitic ‧ an·ti-Scu·mit·ic | [an-tē-skum-ˈmə-tik], adjective; generally, a person who does not like chosen parasites, feeling or showing hostility toward international bankers, holy chosen nation robbers, or discrimination against pederasts, pornographers, or other hook-nosed rat like creatures from East of the Sinai Peninsula.
Yep. A really objective and unbiased source. Apparently the 50ies are back.
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation is the leading source of expertise about communism in the U.S. Their new Victims of Communism Museum in Washington, DC, is a must-see for all Americans. In addition, archives released in the 1990s from Russia and the US, including reports from the FBI and Congress, show that communists massively infiltrated the US federal government in the 1940s and 1950s. Since this has been documented thoroughly and extensively, perhaps it's time for the media and politically biased history books to catch up so the public is better informed. Good places to start are "Stalin's Secret Agents" by M. Stanton Evans, "Dupes" by Paul Kengor and "American Betrayal" by Diana West.
Marxists are impervious to facts and evidence. They rely on emotional displays and their faith in a cult religion since they have no valid arguments. In fact, they are anti-argument and anti-debate as well as anti-science and anti-factual evidence.
The Victims of Capitalism Museum
The Victims of Colonialism Museum
A whole avenue of museums !
That Sanders keep kept getting reelected all the zeros is it indictment of the American system. It’s just another example of how failed the American experiment is
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Sanders appears to have a set of principles on which he relies for decision-making. In US Presidential politics this is both rare and invaluable. At the time of an election the important issues are rarely on the radar. Thus, it is easy for a politician to make promises designed to reap the greatest number of votes, whether or not it is subject to change based on whim or short-term political or personal advantage.
Barrack Obama lost my support when his "based on principles" decision to accept public financing was overturned as soon as he learned how much money he could raise by rejecting public financing. This told me that when an issue arose, he would make decisions based on short-term advantage rather than any set of principles. Unfortunately, that proved prophetic.
What you call "principles" are in fact policies. The key to policies is not how nice they sound but their consequences when implemented in real life. Sanders does not have a track record of implementing successful policies that are beneficial for people in the United States.
His policies reflect a coherent set of principles. I like the fact that he uses principles in his decision-making; I abominate most of his policies.
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
❝If it is ❛Anti-Semitism❜ to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like ❛Americanism❜. Communism all over the world―and not only in Russia―is Jewish.❞ ― Henry Ford
Whats troubling is that someone like obama ever had your “support “ in the first place. Give me a man like clinton over sanders or obama anyday. Clinton has no principles at all and will say and do anything for votes. But men like sanders and obama actually believe the toxic sanctimonious cant they spew and that makes them extremely dangerous
I saw a contest for the presidency coming down to Obama versus Hillary Clinton. I found HRC to be amoral at best, completely absent ethics at worst (not to mention most likely). 2008 was a bad year to be a Republican.
On reflection, HRC v Obama was really a wash. Bill Clinton was entirely different, a pragmatist. His "brilliant" leadership on the economy was nothing of the sort. Reagan slew inflation and GHW Bush contributed the Peace Dividend. Bill Clinton had the good sense simply to get out of the way of the economy.
Makes sense. I see your logic . I feel however that Complex economic and social problems can never be solved by government. They can only be sort of government gets out of the way. And even Reagan doubled the size of the federal budget.
I think the greatest thing that could happen in the United States is for 80 -90% or more of eligible voters Should just not show up and not vote. Voting is like facilitating an alcoholic. Why lend legitimacy to a failed bankrupt system. In the Soviet union even the leaders eventually lost faith in the system, and finally the thing broke up
That’s what needs to happen here
We live in a domestic empire ruled by 550 odd petty tyrants in washington DC.
The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
“Obama was selected before he was elected. And the people that selected him were rich, powerful members of the Jewish community. They selected him to be their first Jewish president.” — Louis Farrakhan
Free speech and free conscience is the most important right
Well said.
Cenk Uygur is a master of the Motte and Bailey. You have to be, if you want to become as influential (and prosperous) as he is on the Left. He knows what the definition, in practice, of "equity" is that's being used to steamroll American culture into Globohomo mediocrity, and he knows that that working definition is one that most Americans would find objectionable, so whenever he's pressed for a definition, he knows which meaning of the term "equity" to assert; they're not the same definition, and he knows that.
Sorry but I’m aghast that you said you truly respect Sanders. He’s a free-loading communist who has ran for president mainly to get funds for a new mansion. He wouldn’t know hard work if it came knocking at his door. He was kicked out of a commie commune for being too lazy.
The story is a bit different. B.S. visited the commune in 1971, for a few days, while doing research for an article about natural childbirth, breastfeeding, child rearing. Being an incessant talker and debater he did little else, keeping others from doing their assigned chores, for that reason he was asked to leave.
Basically the same thing…incessant talking and doing nothing. He’s a communist and lists himself as Socialist. Why he is re-elected as a Democrat in VT, makes me wonder about the gene pool in that state.
No, it is a different story than the one you thought you needed to tell here. It is described as a "hippie" commune, why you state these people were communists I do not understand. To bad-mouth them ? Experiments with communes - in different degrees - have been going on for over 150 years already, in many countries. All failed in the end. That type of idealism is hard to keep up when the body gets older and the joints start to ache.
There is a difference between socialism and communism. But you use "communist" as a derogatory term, so there is little to be achieved by trying to educate you in this regard.
Naom Chomsky belongs in an oven with Bernie Sanders . . .
The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committe . . . Volodymyr Zelensky is an Israel operative, and the Ukrainian parliament is full of Jewish apparatchiks . . . ISIS = Khazar = Kiev junta = Zionist IMF
Jewish Corruption in Ukraine . . . by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞
Can I give it a try ?
Equality: an ideal not achieved on a considerable scale anywhere in the world.
Equity: crude attempts to help realize said ideal.
I suggest watching this short video in which Peter Boghossian defines equity. Equity he explains is the opposite of equality.
Other ways equity is implemented by the woke include the government-imposed redistribution of resources and the government-imposed same outcomes. Equity is always imposed by the government, by force if necessary, because it never happens on its own. Totalitarian control is required. I agree with Peter that equity is the opposite of equality--clearly and concisely explained in his video at
Apparently Mr. Boghossian is preaching to an attentive choir.
Taxes are a way of leveling the playing field in a society and are part of being a citizen. No totalitarian control required. You can vote. Or you can vote with your feet: emigrate to elsewhere.
Stretch a term into the realm of ridiculousness, then criticize it. Ayn Rand was a master in this technique.
Thank you.
Par for the course. It’s not happening and it’s good that it’s happening.
That moment revealed everything I love and loathe about Sanders. I love that he is a no-nonsense, down-to-Earth communicator who passionately defends liberal-populist principles such as equal opportunity for all. I loathe that he seems to be clueless and disinterested in the details of public policy, both in terms of trying to effect through realistic legislation the type of society he envisions and in terms of the way his "progressive" values are reworked by his younger acolytes into the applied "social justice" apparatus of today.
I've started The Heggen Lexicon on my eponymous youtube channel, Ute Heggen. I substitute the term cross-sex ideation for "gender dysphoria" which, according to lots of Bernie supporters, doesn't need to even be distressing any more. Rather than allow leftists to make bio-realists into far right ultra religious strawmen to joust at with "transphobia" accusations, reply with accurate terms. So far, detransitioners are quite receptive, as are my(unfortunately) growing cohort of trans widows.
Link does not work ?
sorry! Go to It's recent post.
This one works. Thanks !
Biden just issued his SECOND Equity Executive Order "Executive Order on Further Advancing Racial Equity..."
Is no one paying any attention? How are we to obey if we don't know what we are ordered to do?
Biden doesn't even pick out his own socks in the morning . . . The United States government is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee . . .
Jeopardy contestant: Ukrainian money laundering for 500, Alex . . . ding ding ding . . . it's the DAILY DOUBLE!!!
What does Israeli Volodymyr Zelensky have in common with Sam Bankman-Fried (FTX), Secretary Janet L. Yellen (U.S. Treasury), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta), Larry Fink (BlackRock), and Benjamin Netanyahu???
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) is acquiring Silicon Valley Bank’s U.K. arm... HSBC got in trouble for laundering drug cartel money, former FBI director James Comey was on their board of directors... Attorney General Loretta Lynch let HSBC off the hook with a small fine.
Leftist can't keep up their own vocabulary . They have to keep changing labels to try to stay ahead of the truth. Leftism itself seems to be insanity in a race with reality.
Deciphering a lot of this cult-like nomenclature is a tedious waste of time for most people and its use obscures the truth about what communism really is and where it actually came from. But that is exactly its purpose . . . “Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
Peter, you have a shit storm of weird going on here. Just for the record, while many Jews were in the Communist parties early on, many Jews believe in a system of regulated capitalism. The lingua franca &etc here demonstrates an unsavory side of the dialogue. As a woman who converted to Judiasm and has been called a "kike" as well as been defamed by ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews, I warn you that this happens in the blog o sphere, and it is best, actually, to ban them from the channel, to keep the discussion sane and rational. You're on the tightrope here, man. Note the words juif, judeo, jodiske, musulmans (Muslims) and judeos. Do your homework. The one, jodiske, is my mother's native Norwegian.
"Gaslighting" may be an accurate description what Cenk it doing here. However, the fact that he is plainly stating that he agrees with Bernie that equality of opportunity matters most, should be considered progress! Perhaps this is his face-saving way of being persuaded by better arguments. OK, fine. Let him have it. We've got to give our opponents (fellow Americans) room to change their minds. If we don't, they'll just dig in their heels and then no progress will be made.
This is how we get beyond Woke. Leftists like Bill Maher recognize the insanity, ask questions in a respectful manner of the certain Leftists who don't obfuscate, and the truth is made clear. Made clear to a few at first, but it is made so clear that it spreads.
Cenk has gone crazy. I used to watch The Young Turks a decade ago when they would give Ron Paul some play on television, but they can no longer pretend to be any sort of neutral.
The Failure of Educational Equity:
Thank you for shining a light on the fact that most individuals, organizations, and institutions have no idea what they mean or what they intend to mean when they profess a commitment to equity. I don't believe Cenk Uygur represents the far-left Critical Social Justice Ideology at all... such folks would quickly slap him down and tell them without pause that for them equity and social justice are two completely different and opposed goals from their perspective; this is because far-left Critical Social Justice ideologues wholesale reject the work and progress of second wave anti-racists and the focus on equality. I appreciate the resources you provide to people to help them better understand the neo-reconstructionist view of racial equity - very nice. For folks who want to learn more about Race Ideology-in-Practice: Racial Equity in American Learning Environments please also check out my article at:
Protocols of Zion: Protocol VIII – Provisional Government
We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists. That is the reason why economic sciences form the principal subject of the teaching given to the jews. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and – the main thing – millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.
Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ . . .
Want an explanation of woke terms? Heres the best one ive found:
Deciphering a lot of this cult-like nomenclature is a tedious waste of time for most people and its use obscures the truth about what communism really is and where it actually came from. But that is exactly its purpose . . . “Woke,” “wokeism,” “wokeness,” etc., are weasel words used to hide the truth about the Jews and the Frankfurt School.
Im a “jew” and im not a communist. I know many ppl who identify as jewish and who are conservatives and not neocons or globalists. murray rothbard himself was jewish.
“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blonde hair, I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not become deadly to the human race. They have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct and in barbarism. They deserve to be punished, for this is their destiny. The Jewish nation dares to display an irreconcilable hatred towards all nations, and revolts against all masters; always superstitious, always greedy for the well-being enjoyed by others, always barbarous; cringing in misfortune and insolent in prosperity.” — François-Marie Voltaire
You realize you are writing this to a man who grew up speaking hebrew at home. Had 2 sets of deeply religious jewish grandparents amd was myself bar mitzvah.
Why is it that raging nazi haters like yourself gravitate towards what is otherwise a libertarian oriented movement. What happened to peace and voluntary cooperation.
My destiny is not to be punished . It is to live well and fight statism but also fight lunatics like you
“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire