“Gender-Affirming Care” Documentary Censored as “Hate Speech” | Peter Boghossian & Taylor Reece
Livestream today at 1:30pm PDT
Today at 1:30pm PDT, I’ll be going live on YouTube with Taylor Reece, director of the documentary “Dead Name.” Paid subscribers can ask a question below directed toward Taylor.
Filmmaker Taylor Reece is the director of Dead Name, a documentary by Broken Hearted Films. Dead Name gives voice to parents managing the damage and trauma gender-affirming care has inflicted upon their children. The film was released in December 2022, but Vimeo removed the video from its platform in February this year. Vimeo accused the film of promoting “hate speech” and demeaning “Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE).” Interest in the film by the press and viewers surged following this censorship.
Watch Dead Name.
Here's a question: Do you understand that the entire "trans" concept has been promoted in the service of autogynophilic middle aged men and do you know that these men are volunteering to lead the "youth groups" at LGBTQIA+ centers, targetting teen girls to get their narcissistic fuel? I give you the examples of Jennifer Pritzger, who has donated huge amounts of his pharma inheritance towards grooming of vulnerable teens for medical "transition." and Rachel Levine, who goes before the nation spouting slogans.
I am close to the conclusion that there are males, females, and transvestites.. It is imposible to "fee l" something you can never feel. It is impossible to understand the taste of brocolie until, of course, you actually taste brocolie. Likewise, you can never feel like a woman unless, of course, you are a woman. It's time to stop playing the game. Too many people are cheating!