If you could discuss Nickelodeon gender songs for very young children and books instructing children in pronouns and gender identity I think that would be worth everyone's while. I know James Lindsay recently talked with Logan Lancing about his book, The Queering of the American Child and Matt Walsh sometimes goes book-by-book but I'd rather you just take a look yourself and see what you think. I see several problems: stories about choosing pronouns make it seem like identity is all about whether you're a he or a she or a they or an ey/eir--not about whether you'd like to be a doctor or a gardener or an artist when you grow up. I wonder whether children will be allowed to make their own discoveries and develop their own ideas before being told to select their gender identity--something that has the potential to confuse and disturb them. Drag Queen story hour is another problem--I love drag queens, but they're adult entertainment--burlesque. But all this is seen as "giving the child language to describe experience" or "helping intersex children be seen"--which I'd see as a profound misunderstanding of what it's like to be a child. I think early childhood education is often ignored or given a back seat to politics and climate change, but that's a mistake. Have gone into all this on my substack, and fear I may not be able to make the Zoom, so this is just my request.

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Sweet! Looking forward to it.

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Feedback on the DebbieDavid Hayton glorytrain:


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Thank you, Ute. I learned a lot.

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