I stopped a couple of years ago, when they replaced the old guard with every ethnic/racial/social group except straight white men. After that, I would occasionally turn it on and -- not exaggerating -- 90%+ of the time I would hear a story about either race or gender within 1 minute. I eventually made a game of it, one I called "Skin or Genitals?": to play, pick a random time and then time how long it takes before racism or sexism comes up. It's uncanny how quickly. Do they really think there are no other, much more consequential issues? Juvenile, simplistic, and divisive. Sorry, NPR, you lost another life-long supporter.

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Have you heard of the “Dark Horse Podcast”? Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying. Here is a YouTube clip of theirs somewhat related to your comment (as to the only important stories must be about the outrage-du-jour: https://youtu.be/ab9aK16UJDU

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Skin or genitals! Genius—I am so stealing that line. Plus it should be the title of a book.

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My experience EXACTLY listening to WHYY out of Philadelphia. I swear to God I'd play the same game, jumping into their programming at random to confirm how tediously, laughably predictable it was that within minutes "skin or genitals" would be the topic.

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I also had this experience. I got so frustrated listening to it. I stopped for a few months. I thought maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought it was so I would occasionally turn it on during lunch or a run downtown. Invariably within a minute something about gender or race would come up and I would turn it off.

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I came back to your comment today to remember the two items in your game skin or genitals. This morning I was thinking as I was reading about transhumanism “Orwell or Huxley?”

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Similarly, I decided a little while ago that henceforth I will only be reading literary fiction by white men until the legacy publishing industry starts publishing literary fiction by white men again.

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"Skin or genitals" is absolute genius. I have to confess that it reminds me of Cock or Ball, a game not for all the family involving strategically holed jeans and guesswork.

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I don't want to do a video, but I appreciate this project. I grew increasingly disenchanted with NPR back in 2015–2016 during the election campaign, which escalated all through the Trump presidency when there was no vestige of balanced reporting. The disenchantment ripened into disgust over the years since, to the point where I finally sent them this comment during one of their insufferable fundraising drives:

"I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I have many progressive views, many classically liberal views, some conservative views, some Libertarian views. I am one of many 'politically homeless' citizens in the United States of America who are searching for fair and balanced news coverage from a variety of sources, and who pine for classical journalism marked by high integrity and rigor, inclusive of many viewpoints. I used to appreciate National Public Radio as one of these sources, bur that notion of 'fair and balanced' is a swiftly receding memory.

"Increasingly over the past decade, every story and program I hear on NPR becomes more blatantly biased and left-leaning. Where are the counterpoints? Where are the alternative views? Where are the representatives from parties other than the left? There isn't even the decency to attempt to hide the agenda anymore, only smug expectations of political foreclosure from your listeners. There is no open marketplace of ideas here. Just propaganda.

"I can no longer bear to listen. I will seek new sources. I am very disappointed in you. I will no longer patronize your fund drives. I will not donate any used car to you. I resent any public tax money helping support what is no longer a NATIONAL public radio news network. Who do you think We The People are? You are not reflecting us. Is this why you want to switch your name to only its acronym? A fitting diminishment indeed."

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Same timing for me! Stopped listening to NPR shortly after 2016 election. Now I see democrat propaganda messages in their videos at my kids' schools. =(

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Oh, and when shows like This American Life began to focus almost exclusively on three topics: privilege, colonialism, and victimization.

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As a previous resident in Seattle's CHAZ/CHOP, I stopped taking NPR seriously when they had a piece on "in defense of looting"...

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Fellow Seattle resident here, I completely agree. NPR got a ton of blowback on that article, if you go to the archives there's a disclaimer on it.

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I, like you, used to listen all the time - but haven’t listened in a while. I am generally left of center - but I expect objectivity and straight up reporting covering all aspects of a story. Vigorous debate. I stopped listening completely probably something like 12 years ago. I will take your word as to how bad it is now; I’m sure that you are correct. My question: who is doing this? Domestic oligarchs, foreign intelligence agencies- I know it sounds crazy, but this change in NPR (and left media in general) doesn’t feel organic - someone is “running” this operation.

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We all have our theories and mine is that there is no person or group or institution in charge, but it is the DOCTRINE that is in charge.

To put it as simply as poss: what’s happened to liberals/the left these past 5 or so years is that their noble concern for the rights of ethnic and sexual minorities has gradually, like the proverbial boiling frog, moved from the realm of the political into the realm of the sacred, or more simply, that the rights and identities of ethnic and sexual minorities have now become sacralized.

And in times of ideological/religious ferment and the tribal warfare that comes with it, what's most important is being seen as loyal to the cause, always expressing and propagating the proper approved dogma, and basically dedicating your life to the tribe/group to save yourself from any accusations of heresy or blasphemy which could lead to social death.

This is why all mainstream or liberal journalists, profs, administrators, artists etc all speak the same jargon and pray to the same gods: it's either bow down and join the mob or risk getting cancelled and being banished from your tribe, not to mention losing career, status, etc.

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I hear you; we have been and still are such an open society- and the CIA has run the “color revolution playbook with false flags and useful idiots” against other countries so many times - I just wonder if it is now being done to us. And if so, it would look just like ... essentially what NPR etc is now.

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im starting to think that the only way to make sense of our zeitgeist and the Critical Theory takeover of America is to think of it as a colonization (much like how a foreign power occupies a country and transforms all its institutions in its image), but ours is an internal colonization, done by this new alliance of corporate globalists and the New Left, to remake our country, culture and institutions for its benefit. with its benefit meaning, first and foremost, complete power and control, complete reeducation of young people in their ideology, and social banishment for any opponents or dissenters.

like u said, a Color Revolution of sorts...

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It does seem like something is being “done” to us all. And not for the better (complete power and control by some faction is not “democratic”). America, for all its historical faults, was still a Great Leap Forward for mankind (“we the people”). I really don’t want any faction to take complete control of speech, thought, etc... bye bye “we the people”

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Very incisive comment.

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Just did - I went for a bike ride to clear my head and then submitted one

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And, for the record, the right-wing media is just as bad. Feels like "divide and conquer"

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Agreed. I like to say that 95% of professional "Republicans" are uniparty Manchurian saboteurs. Their real job is to endlessly milk outrage but always lose in the end.

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It's not a conspiracy. It's mass hysteria.

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I would love this to be expanded into the BBC as well. We cancelled the £147 annual payment when the lockdown went completely, and in any way, even questioned by BBC News. We are at the complete opposite end of the BBC’s political spectrum but there was a time when the other side, got occasionally heard. Anecdotally I know dozens of people who did the same here. There are odd reports of the BBC haemorrhaging licence holders but it’s barely discussed by rival media. But we’ve really all woken up to the fact that we’ve been unquestionably accepting of most of their garbage over the decades. It’s actually been incredibly liberating to requestion so much of what we accepted as facts based on their constant daily pummelling of our minds.

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I cancelled my licence in 2008 in the aftermath of the Brand/Ross prank calls debacle, because I refuse to pay for mindless yobs to harass elderly men.

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Great job, I wish we had done this in 2008 instead of giving them £1000+ of our money on autopilot over that time.

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Never mind better late than never!

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I stopped listening to NPR over a decade ago when NPR got frivolous. They started to run stories about competitive yoga and how women would rather eat their fingernails than shop for jeans. As such I was not there to object when they decided to eliminate the words "women" and "woman" from all stories about women's health issues. I use to love to listen to their reporting, but now I just listen to the local classical and jazz stations and I am a lot better for it.

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In yesterday's coverage of the abortion issue, they repeatedly referred to "pregnant people" instead of women. Ridiculous.

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I moved from MA to CO three years ago, and I sort of thought that's why I stopped listening — but now, come to think of it, you're right. It's this other stuff. I find myself turning to writing that does challenges party rhetoric. The "pregnant people" and "birthing person" moment captures it perfectly.

As someone who has knocked on thousands of doors and had uncountable face-to-face conversations with the people who actually make up the electorate, I can unequivocally say that if I were being held hostage (as I’ve argued elsewhere, before I gave up on social media entirely) to such language as “defund the police” and, now, “chest-feeding persons,” I would have had a lot of time to sit around a bottle of wine with like-minded friends and talk about how right we are, rather than actually making any conceivable inroads in the actual community. Because there just isn’t a critical mass of people interested in hearing that shit right now — when they are facing such profound threats to their lives and livelihoods — whether it’s actually shit or whether it’s the highest expression of actualized human potential.

These linguistic bullet trains, as “innovative” and well-meaning as they are, tend to hijack the conversation and deflect from — and possibly derail — our very real core message about addressing the interlocking crises facing our society, our families, and paving the way for our young to inherit a country and world worth continually improving upon.

They do not serve, in other words. And I can't bear to listen to people who calcify such perspectives, because they undermine any possibility we have of animating the "exhausted majority."

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I quit my favorite radio show in the world, On The Media, and then NPR as a whole, after Brooke Gladstone aired a hit piece on Joe Rogan. It was early in 2020, and the impetus for it was an article in The Atlantic by Devin Gordon. The story was called "Why Is Joe Rogan So Popular?" (goddamit!). As I listened, it became clear that Gordon had reduced Rogan to a supplements hustler, and otherwise painted him as a spurious misogynist and racist that no serious person would want to pay attention to.

It might also have had something to do with the fact that he had many, many times their audience...just saying. Click on the word "Transcript" and you can read the entire conversation and decide for yourself:


I guess OTM figured they could get away with smearing Rogan because they assumed there was such a clear divide between their listeners and his, that their audience would simply take them at their word and not check for themselves. But I had been listening to Rogan for a good four, five years by that point, where, for the record, I was introduced to Peter Boghossian, Bret Weinstein, Matt Taibbi and many other fascinating individuals whose ideas have enriched my worldview ever since.

It was a sad day, realizing that OTM, my champions of free speech and journalistic integrity, had corruptible feet of clay. Goodbye forever, NPR.

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I remember reading that article on Joe Rogan and being depressed that the author spent the first half of the article seemingly truly trying to understand his subject, and then spent the second half essentially converging onto a value judgement that dismissed Rogan as guilty and bad, making all that understanding irrelevant. I thought "you probably knew this was going to be where you landed, so why did you try so hard to understand him in the first half?"

I grew up religious, and it reminded me of Christian movie reviews from decades ago where a movie would be found guilty of sex and violence and sinfulness, and this was really the only relevant metric on whether a movie was deemed to be any good." This new values-based reporting is very similar.

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It’s obvious to anyone who grew up religious what this new leftism is.

It’s ironic that the people who grew up completely secular and were never exposed to religious logic are so susceptible to it now. A thought they could not entertain even briefly.

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Everyone has a religion but not everyone worships god.

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I don’t think of my self as conservative. As a matter of fact I’m liberal and can listen to other points of view. Sometime during the mid 90’s I felt like the liberal to conservative spectrum slid left and there I was in the conservative end of things. I began listening to NPR in 1983 and stopped on a regular basis in 2021 because of the way the news is reported in such an obviously unbalanced and left leaning manner. If I wanted to hear one sided accounts of events from a progressive out look I’d listen to Amy Goodman. I don’t want to listen to her or get news from Fox, either. Mara Liasson’s crack about something Trump said about election fraud; that it was from the peanut gallery, was too much for me. I remember the days of Bob Edwards and dependable professional journalism with sadness because NPR was a big part of my life, but no more. I was dismayed to realize their broadcasts stopped including other perspectives and opposing viewpoints on a number of issues. Perhaps one they will go back to balanced unbiased reporting. I miss the old days but I don’t plan to wait around for a profound reversal. Thanks for listening.

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I started listening as a kid in the *mid-80s*, partly because it tended to discuss foreign affairs more than US news at the time, partly because it had a lot of witty humor -- especially stuff like Ask Doctor Science. When I came back to the US from being abroad in the late Obama era, all US media was alien to me, but NPR was unrecognizable. In the Trump era, it went from partisan and humorless to theocratic state propaganda. I honestly don't understand how friends and family of any political persuasion can find any value in it.

But the moment NPR released the swarmy piece about why they wouldn't cover the Hunter Biden laptop story, I ever after went out of my way to never listen to anything affiliated with US state media. I have zero respect for them and anyone who would sell their soul to work there.

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I’ve had the same experience in Canada, with CBC radio. My wife & I couldn’t do it anymore. It was getting bad before George Floyd; after, it was unlistenable. The straight-up news readers were giving their obvious-to-all opinions in what should’ve been statements of fact. Shame. It used to be an excellent media source. Now, not so much.

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There is a place for editorializing; that said, I totally agree- it sounds like all that CBC radio and NPR do is editorialize - or is it indoctrinate?

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The cdn equivalent is the CBC. 2 years clean after “using” my entire life.

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I'm not going to submit a video, but the last straw for me was this segment (starts at 11:50) on how napping, drinking tea, and taking baths are forms of radical resistance and even 'decolonizing work.' (And that's just the beginning of its absurdity.)


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Sometime in 2018, when the alt-right stuff began making less and less sense, Trump's economic successes kept being credited to Obama, Brooks and Shields began agreeing with each other on every single topic, and little to no attention was paid to anything else in the world.

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I’m pretty sure Brooks and Shields were on PBS, not NPR.

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Same woke BS. It is hard to tell them apart.

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I’m actually Kim Shankman‘s husband.

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Why are you using her name and not yours?

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They are maybe sharing her underwear also. But who are we to judge?

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They are most likely sharing the same logon username and password.

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The account is in her name.

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Are you not able to afford your own? Can we just hear from her? When I call a plumber I don't want her husband showing up, because he don't know shit

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When I call a plumber I don't want his wife showing up, because she don't know shit.

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Can you mind your own business?

Your name is not Kim but I have a guess what it might be... does it start with a K?

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They were frequent guests at the beginning of the Trump administration, often together, when the entire media establishment was on "pivot" watch.

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I spent some time reading these comments and want to underscore Peter's request that you submit a video. Yes it terrified me, and I did it anyway. Make parrhesia so common that it takes the risk out of it! These beautiful words from all of you make me feel less alone as I grieve for that time in our past when we could ALL listen to NPR and find something worth listening to. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU.

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I never stopped listening to NPR but I realized about 5 years ago that I was listening defensively.

I was listening to protect myself against them, not because I liked what they were saying.

I spent a lot of time yelling at the radio these days.

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That was the first stage for me (listening defensively and occasionally getting angry); soon after that, I gave up completely. Almost 15 years ago. I miss the “old” NPR.

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Yes, me too.

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