Feb 14, 2022·edited Feb 14, 2022

This is so disturbing on so many levels. The whole video series should be on, or on something akin to, Frontline (or has that gone ‘woke’ too?). It’s so vital that this information gets out to a broad audience. Thank you.

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Standard_Tree2 hr ago·edited just now

I was excluded from university for questioning the term “white privileged” in an ethics course. Alex Sager from PSU, according to another professor began asking other members of faculty for any information that could be used against me. I was brought to global diversity and questioned multiple times. When it was determined that I had not done anything wrong I was then immediately slapped with a sexual harassment allegation from an unknown accuser. When that too fell through, they accused me of excessive emailing. They suspended me for attempting to reach out to my teachers, brought me in during my suspension to question me, tacked on more suspension time, asked me to write an essay about what I had done wrong, and then had me expelled. The administration has put a black mark on my transcripts and there was absolutely no due process given.

I spent two years trying to figure out what happened to me. And to this day I am still amazed by it.

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As a former teacher, and having gone through Ed School, I can tell you that Dr. Asher is *spot on.* Before going to Ed School, I got my B.A. in philosophy and I could not believe the striking difference between philosophy courses and education courses. The professors and course materials were almost entirely substandard in the ed department. Most of the students had no interest in being challenged academically, or really learning at all. There are some good teachers, but this is *in spite of* teacher training programs.

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