Peter, so thankful for your voice on MANY important issues! 🙏🏻

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I'll link this on my channel. The best treasure trove of well-conducted studies, often coming from Europe and Scandinavia, is segm.org. They just had a meeting in Athens to promote non-hormone, non-surgical approach to dysphoric kids. Here's my two cents, a teen boy who contacted me for advice, since I'm known as gender critical.


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See the work of Mia Hughes and Colin Wright. (I know you're familiar with them. The comment is for other readers.)

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Yes, the WPATH Files are at environmentalprogress.org.

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“We have to talk about the fact that we are doing this to children.” As a parent to a middle schooler and a substitute teacher in a district that is pushing social transitions in schools, I am deeply troubled by what’s going on.

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The Right's Gender Scam: How They're Conning America with Fake Outrage

A grotesque theater of bathroom panic and pronoun hysteria, designed to keep you scared, distracted, and obedient—while they ignore the real problems.


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Patrice is a fool on the wrong side of history, just like lobotomies. His article is the real scam - poorly written, no sourcing, and all lies.

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Dear Patrice, can you please add the audio/pay button for those of us that are visually impaired? TIA

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