Quote from "Should there be diversity mandates for doctors?" "What if we went into poor neighborhoods and we gave them the best teachers and we gave them extra assistance, but we kept the requirements the same for them to get in. That's called equality. So that's very different from equity."
I disagree that the description is one of equality. Equality would be if you offered all neighborhoods an equal opportunity for good teachers and assistance. Equity is the imposed redistribution of resources in order to achieve the same outcomes. What you describe is equity. In this case the government might take the best teachers and extra assistance away from some neighborhoods in order to give them to poor neighborhoods in the name of equity. Or it might take more tax dollars away from some neighborhoods in order to fund the best teachers for other neighborhoods. In either situation, the redistribution is imposed by the government. Even so, the same outcomes will still not be achieved because other factors besides the best teachers and extra assistance cause disparate outcomes. In Black communities, the biggest factor has repeatedly been shown by President Obama and others to be the absence of a father in the household. In addition, the best academic results in Black neighborhoods consistently come from charter schools with high expectations and requirements and not from public schools no matter how much funding they receive for the teachers and assistance. Since equity consistently focuses on the wrong factors or, more commonly, on no factors at all--it's usually based totally on ideology--it consistently fails.
"Undue restriction of free speech should be punished".
Other freedoms, such as freedom of movement, are protected by law. If I lock you in a room for no good reason, I will be punished. Why does it seem to be different for freedom of speech?
Would love to see a street epistemology session about that.
Where are the full videos? It would be nice to see them.
Quote from "Should there be diversity mandates for doctors?" "What if we went into poor neighborhoods and we gave them the best teachers and we gave them extra assistance, but we kept the requirements the same for them to get in. That's called equality. So that's very different from equity."
I disagree that the description is one of equality. Equality would be if you offered all neighborhoods an equal opportunity for good teachers and assistance. Equity is the imposed redistribution of resources in order to achieve the same outcomes. What you describe is equity. In this case the government might take the best teachers and extra assistance away from some neighborhoods in order to give them to poor neighborhoods in the name of equity. Or it might take more tax dollars away from some neighborhoods in order to fund the best teachers for other neighborhoods. In either situation, the redistribution is imposed by the government. Even so, the same outcomes will still not be achieved because other factors besides the best teachers and extra assistance cause disparate outcomes. In Black communities, the biggest factor has repeatedly been shown by President Obama and others to be the absence of a father in the household. In addition, the best academic results in Black neighborhoods consistently come from charter schools with high expectations and requirements and not from public schools no matter how much funding they receive for the teachers and assistance. Since equity consistently focuses on the wrong factors or, more commonly, on no factors at all--it's usually based totally on ideology--it consistently fails.
"Undue restriction of free speech should be punished".
Other freedoms, such as freedom of movement, are protected by law. If I lock you in a room for no good reason, I will be punished. Why does it seem to be different for freedom of speech?
Would love to see a street epistemology session about that.
Not a problem. We're heading to Australia next!