Just so you know, in Peter Buffett country (son of Warren) the woke ideology is so strong that Black advocate and Human Rights Commissioner in Ulster County NY, Tyrone Wilson, was fired, basically at Peter Buffett's demand, for not being "pro-trans" enough. There will be a lawsuit. Watch to see this case unroll.

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Do you have a URL please?

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Look up Black leader, Tyrone Wilson, fired from position as first Ulster County Human Rights Commissioner. Then look up the hand-wringing in local media about the Buffett influence. Sooorry. No url. And I am really not happy to have to reveal my own location, Peter. Women like me are threatened and harassed, told by trans trolls to "go lie down in rush hour traffic" and to "find a tall building, go up, and jump." Literally, Peter, had that as comments on Trans Widow Ute Heggen channel. And you think that we are just collateral damage, the story of detransitioners will move us forward. URL indeed, Professor.

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Soo many people have lost their minds today. It's scary how effective much of the population has either been indoctrinated to believe this non-sense or too scared to challenge it so they just go along with it, the supporters of it who aren't also activists. It takes someone very low levels of agreeableness, usually found only in men, to resist. Looks like the generations of poising our environment with estrogen inducing toxins has helped tame many men into being compliant.

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I'm really liking the beer boycott!

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Me to however the majority of that boycott is coming from older people and not the younger generation; partially because they're not AB beer drinkers and partly because they are the generation that has been most heavily indoctruinated.

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They are though, a significant customer base, and it seems they are not budging. I just heard that Blair White, another male who ideates a female persona, is now under contract. I predict a fail. Men do not like to be fooled by a man pretending to be female. Blair White is fulling intact below the waist, but infertile to ejaculate and fertilize--due to the estrogen ingestion.

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Blaire White is noting like Mulvaney. Blair is a real transwoman who has spoken out against all the woke non-sense.

What I meant previously is the people protesting are the customers, the older generation. Not because AB's younger drinkers aren't protesting but that there are fewer and fewer of them because of how indoctrinated kids have become starting with the Millennials. Most people how consider themselves a part of the enlightened intelligencia and see's beer like Bud and Budweiser as being beneath them so any customers AB has under 40 is going to be a part of the minority of millennials that escaped or resisted the public education's mass indoctrination efforts which kicked into overtime/high gear around the mid to late 90's. My wife worked in it as a teacher and left around that time as she saw what was coming and couldn't be a part of it. It was also around teh time we were ready to have our first kid so timing wasn't bad but she's not going to go back as long as it's like it is now

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A man will always be a man. Blair White has full block and tackle, mimics women just like Mulvaney. Look up expert witness testimony by Drs. Stephen B. Levine and Michael Laidlaw. Wrong sex hormones cause heart disease, strokes, skeletal damage like early onset osteoporosis, as well as liver or kidney failure. It is useless to cling to some "good one" who claims he "loves and understands women." Blair does not love and understand women. He never had the female biological imperative of getting the first period, experiencing the internal sensations of the monthy menses, understanding the meaning of carrying a pregnancy and he will never experience female menopause. As a woman who has experienced all of the sensations of my last sentence, understanding that menstrual cramps prepared me for the early sensations of labor and then childbirth, I am insulted that anyone like Blair is called "a true woman." Blair wants to "pass," which when you see his entire figure, with male shoulder girdle, slim hips and hear his voice, you know that he is mimicking us. He wants to "pass" for straight men. He also was completely surprised to find out that he could not produce sperm when he stopped estrogen temporarily to "save sperm" with a plan to use a woman as a "surrogate." The entire ideology is based on gaslighting of actual women. My memoir, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022) outlines how this gaslighting and use of sketchy data was growing from the small "transsexual" sector in the early 1990s to the cult we experience now.

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Were you really able to get a pic standing that close to a Kangaroo?

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I wish!

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I was really hoping you'd say yes. My family plans to visit Australia sometime in teh future and teh idea of Kangaroos being that friendly to humans that you could get close enough to take a pic would be awesome.

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