
Thanks to everyone for their comments. To be clear, I have no expertise in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. That is well outside my area. I am, however, interested in prejudice, ideology, and the mechanisms of belief formation. As such, I attempted to constrain the conversation to the reasons around increasing Jew hatred (often mislabeled "antisemitism").

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I am a fan and respect you. But to not be able to confront that the Zionists started this war and colonization and ethnic cleansing, and as such are the aggressors makes you unserious. Nobody who studies the history of Zionism believes that the Zionists were the victims. Sure, 75 years later, it's a mess. But initial causes matter, I will not forget. Fyi, that doesn't mean I support Hamas, I do not. I do not think the U.S. should be taking any sides or involved in any way. But any position must start with truth. As for this piece, if people hate you cuz you destroyed a people - Arab Muslims living in Palestine - that's not bigotry. Jews who support Zionism earn their hate.

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You don't read much history do ya?

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More than you. I find Benny Morris's 1948: A History of the Arab-Israeli War to be one of the best sources in the world for this history. There are others, but due to Morris being a Jewish, Israeli Zionist, he's hard to argue with. My accounting of the history is correct. Thankfully, David Ben Gurion's own words support my account of history.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.”

— David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

“We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.”

David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.

Ben Gurion also warned in 1948: Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes: “The old will die and the young will forget.”

Was Ben Gurion an anti-semite?

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His ignorance is deafening.

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You see a lot of people like that. This is why I say HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY! You have to know some history.

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See above, I know more of this history than 10 of you stacked up like cord wood, son.

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Not likely. You're filled with hate and misconception.

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Not an ounce of hate in me, Henya. I've just read the history carefully. Simple question: Do you know who Benny Morris is? Who the New Historians are? And how they corrected the lies of the Zionists and Israeli govt that were used to cover up the true history of Zionism and 48 for 30 years? Benny Morris is a Jewish, Israeli, Zionist and bases his histories ONLY on Israeli govt documents. If you read 1948: A History of the Arab Israeli War, you'll find I'm correct.

And of course there are the many comments by Ben Gurion and many other Zionists themselves confirming that Zionists were indeed the aggressors in '48. Here's a list of Ben Gurion quotes from those who defend Zionism, read the interpretations from the apologists - they hold no water. Even in Zionist's defender's publications, the truth of Zionism's actions are clear. Read this article and see how much Ben Gurion and others spoke of the need to ethnically cleanse Arab Muslim Palestinians. https://www.progressiveisrael.org/ben-gurions-notorious-quotes-their-polemical-uses-abuses/

Ya'll claim to know the history - react to this history. Fyi, what I find is many folks like you haven't read a single actual history book on this subject. You only consume activist propaganda from either side. Me? My reading of history made me anti-Islamist and anti-Zionist, as any classical liberal should be.

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See above, you arrogant ignoramus.

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So, not a single argument or bit of substance from any of you. Just posing and sneering.

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Zionism: Why All the Controversy?


Oct 11, 2023 #israel #palestine #middleeast


What is Zionism? And why does it generate so much controversy, even hatred? CJ Pearson explains the history and philosophy of this ancient promise.

Stolen Palestinian Land? An Arab Israeli Responds


Apr 26, 2023

Yoseph Haddad is a proud Arab Israeli. He briefly visited New Zealand in February 2023. Dr Sheree Trotter had a conversation with him about his identity and background and addressed some of the common questions people ask about the Israel Palestinian conflict. Yoseph tells the story of his grandfather. Who was it that gave him orders to leave? What did he decide to do?

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deletedMar 14
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Kathy, you literally know nothing about the actual history. Go read Benny Morris, 1948: A History of the Arab Israeli war. Morris only uses official Israeli docs for that book and what he shows is the exact opposite of what you are saying. He's considered the best historian on this subject, a Jewish, Zionist Israeli himself. As for you denying that a thing called Palestine existed, why then did Golda Meir have a Palestinian passport at the time of the founding of Israel? You are so ignorant, It's sad. Transfer is a euphemism for ethnic cleansing. Also, none of this means I support Hamas.

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Do research who authorized and issued the Palestinian passports to Jewish, Christian and Muslim residents of British Palestinian Mandate prior to 1948.

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deletedMar 14
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Lol. I tend to find and cite serious historians or the actual statements of decision makers. Benny Morris is THE leading historian on this subject. If you haven't read him, you know very little that is true about this subject. It's truly telling that you don't seem to know who he is, lol. You are basically repeating he debunked propaganda Joan Peters through to Alan Dershowitz peddled in his book, The Case for Israel, which I've also read. In fact, it was reading that book in 2005/6 that had me look deeper into all of this. I could never make sense of the story that Zionists were the victims even though they were the aggressors. So I started reading real history books (Dersh is an activist, his book is an utter mess factually just so you know, he's got many facts wrong or says completely baseless things) and was shocked. The truth was basically the opposite of what I'd been told. But it also all added up. You seem to be unaffected by the Ben Gurion quotes I provided. Are you so poorly informed that you don't know Ben Gurion was the first PM of Israel? Here is a quote from Yitzhak Rabin's memoir on a conversation he had with Ben Gurion at the time.

"We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. [Yigal] Allon repeated his question, 'What is to be done with the Palestinian population?' Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said 'Drive them out!'" Rabin added, "I agreed that it was essential to drive the inhabitants out."

Consider that you have been lied to by activists about this for your entire life. Most people on the Right that support Zionism are utterly ignorant of the history. Most on the Left who hate Zionism know nothing of the depredations and conquests of Muslim caliphates. Islam has been a conquering, imperial, enslaving and murderous force in the world since it's beginning. I do not align with them either. This is a religious war that has nothing to do with us. Period.

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deletedMar 14
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You're a dedicated ignoramus. It does matter who started this war, no matter how hard you want to pretend it doesn't. Cuz you aren't coming from a principled place, rather you are just a partisan flinging weak rhetoric and hyperbole around. I have no remit for Hamas, they are disgusting. So effing what? They are a response to the aggressions of the Zionists.

And here's how crazy you are, again. You claim this is our fight cuz we are meddling in the fight so that makes it our fight so we need to keep on meddling. Giggling. Do you have 3 digit IQ hun? Seriously, where did you get the idea that you are capable and informed enough to argue this issue cogently? You are a just cheerleading partisan, move along now. As for nation's having a "right to exists" go jump in a lake. This is the most ignorant propaganda of all that Israel emits. No nation has a right to exist. All nations gain their existence and maintain it by having peaceful relations with their neighbors, the protection of a stronger nation or the ability to defend themselves. Israel started a war with its neighbors and only exists cuz of American support. It's not able to defend itself on its own. Not a very smart nation if they want to survive. Starting a war with 500 million Arab Muslim neighbors may not turn out to be a great decision.

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Over The Years/Decades I have noticed it is a shot step from Anti-Zionism to Judenfrei.

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Does anyone really think that people who oppose zionism are antisemitic? This idea is part of a PR strategy, nothing else. Zionism and gender ideology have a lot in common. both are primarily PR and lobby efforts that benefit white people from US and europe and harm marginalized communities. Gender ideology harms women, kids, people with psych issues and gays. All of these groups are robbed of their rights by white men who pretend to be marginalized, but aren't. There are some who would term those who oppose men having access to womens spaces as "transphobic" while claiming white men who claim to be "trans" are somehow vulnerable. but the reality is the opposite of this claim. in UK, zero "trans" people have been killed for being "trans" in the past five years. However, three women are murdered there each week. so, stats show its women who need safety, not "trans" people. also. it doesnt increase "trans" safety to use spaces of opposite sex. all of the incidents trans have had have been in the womens restrooms, none in the mens. so stats actually prove trans people are safer in spaces of biological sex. thats where they are respected. thats where they are safe.

similarly, zionists claim to be a marginalized community, while unnessisarily keeping millions of native people in an illegal harsh prison called the west bank and gaza for the past 57 years. every zionist claim is a lie, just as every gender biz claim is a lie. lies crafted by white men that harm vulnerable groups. both zionists and gender activists harm the US via their propaganda that democrats have swallowed that the entire planet can easily see the US has been duped reducing US standing and credibility in the world

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israel could end the occupation and make peace anytime. but that would mean giving up their greater israel goal which imagines israel take over land it has no rights to. the only way this vision can be accomplished is via ethnic cleansing and genocide of millions of native people.

the oslo occords were meant to allow all parties to stop the fighting. palestinians did so for the most part. israeli hawks has a different idea. they murdered Rabin and continued a policy where an optional and unnecessary illegal genocide is the stated goal.

israel is a failed state. it never resolved the occupation. this would be like if the US never resolved slavery. israeli justification for the occupation is similar to southern justification for slavery.

hamas, though a crime issue, poses zero threat to the nation of israel. every US city has crime far worse than what israel had experiemced via hamas. 8 billion people know using hamas as a justification for genocide is fraud and just the latest lie israel uses tp grab land it has no rights to

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"israel could end the occupation and make peace anytime."

They did, 2005, the left The Gaza Strip. Heck they even took those Jews who were buried. 2007 Hamas took over.

"illegal genocide is the stated goal."

Can we agree one 1 thing? That The IDF is a VERY good/powerful military? IF The Israel government told the IDF to make this problem (The Palestinians) go away. there would be no Palestinians in the West Bank or Gaza Strip today. I would also point out IF The Israelis were committing genocide, why is the The Palestinian population growing? Generally speaking when one group of people is waging genocide against another, that population doesn't Increase. That's not how genocide works.

"hamas, though a crime issue, poses zero threat to the nation of Israel."

Possibly The Silliest thing I've read this week.

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"they left The Gaza Strip"

when israel says they left gaza. they dont mean they left gaza. they mean they continued to keep all gaza residents in a harsh illegal prison, where all residents activisty was tightly controlled and restricted, including all life and business activity. these residents have been in a harsh illegal prison for 57 years - no israel never left them alone or allowed freedom of movement. your statement is a blatant lie that no one believe and you should be embarrassed to repeat.

that israel commits genocide over a few years or in a few weeks the result and intent are the same. as a US citizen i am personally enabling one of the worst catastrophies man has ever committed, on par with any war crime throughout history. your defence of this crime is dishonest.

yes, hama is nothing compared to what any citizen experiences in a any US city. just a crime issue with zero threat to israeli sovereignty

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= all caused by israels illegal harsh military prison of millions of native people. if you were in palestinians shoes = you would be doing the exact same thing as hamas i promise you. all of the attacks against israel do not threaten israel sovereignty. the only thing harming israel is their circle of fear and propaghanda performed by pro israeli supporters who think theyre helping iarael but in fact are causing israel to perform one of the worse catastrophies man has ever done. on par with anything in ww2 or any other war. except there is no war going on in palestine area. there is only white people from US and europe slaughtering natives, the same as when george custer slaughtered american indians, or any other colonialism of the past. israel has certainly failed its promise to live peacefully. israel is a war wongering state that is paranoid and unable to govern. israel is one of the biggest mistakes US has ever made. by supporting israels illegal actions, the US has no credibility to oppose china's designs on taiwan or russian's designs ln ukraine. what israel is going creating an optional illegal humanitarian disaster in violation of intl law, goes against everything the US claims to stand for.

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Okay...but let's begin with America the colonialist return all lands to the natives. What's fair is fair. Your hatred radiates from your words.

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thats why what israel is doing is so similar to slavery in the US south. slavers used same arguement. they said slavery has been around since forever so why cant they do it. now israel says people have been slaughtering and genociding for 1000s of years so why cant we. it wasnt easy for the US to end slavery. but israel just isnt up to the task. i am a US citizen. i couldnt care less about the issue. i do care about how israel is making every US citizen unsafe by violating intl law. people in israel are white people from US and europe who are taking advantage of vulnerable ppl. and sending the bill to US taxpayer. israel is making the US ensafe. theyve shown they have no intrest in peace. and have done everything they can to prevent peace. this is all based on the idea that israel doesnt have to play by the rules becuase their PR and lobby efforts have been so successful. just like gender ideology, israel harms vulnerable people to benefit white males who pretend to be marginalized, but arent

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It is tragic that all you can focus on is the perceived 'anti-semitism' towards one of the most privileged groups on the planet whilst members of that same group are quite literally engaged in a hate filled rein of terror against another group - the completely beseiged Palestinians!

Palestinians are being slaughtered, bombed, starved, denied medical aid and having their homelands stolen from beneath their very feet - and we are supposed to care about your hurt feelings. We don't. This 'anti-semitism' nonsense is being weaponised to distract from the horrific brutality of the actual crimes being committed before our eyes in the present time. We are done with caring about your feelings.

How about you grow your hearts and souls and look at what horrors are being committed in this 'semitic' name - and denounce them. That could be one way to defuse the hatred that Israel is rightfully garnering to itself as a result of its utterly bloodthirsty venge and hate filled rampage through tge Palestinian homelands.

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Good points. As somebody once said: The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

The Jew is the ultimate victim, liar, back-stabber and and who has a psychopathic ability to render the Jews' past wrongs against the innocent as merely because the Jew believes in his superiority over the non-Jews peoples (cattle=goyim) of the world. Seems that Jews Talmud invented the concept of hate in their aggression and avarice against the rest of humanity.

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19:31 mark

2 points (in no particular order)

1. Fascism/Nazism was a Youth Movement.

2. "Do You Think More educated People Are Anti-Semitic?"

Thomas Sowell on the truth behind antisemitism


May 31, 2021

You get the full details in the book Black Rednecks and White Liberals

An Honest History of the Progressive Movement | Thomas Sowell


Nov 14, 2021

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I'm an Evangelical Christian (yes one of THOSE! :-) )

So I believe the Bible s The Word of God.

"I will Bless Them That Bless You, Curse Them That Curse You."

Gen. 12:3

Now don't know about others BUT have enough problems in my life that the LAST thing I need is God Cursing Me. Needing All The Help I Can Get, I think I'll Go With The Former, Not The Latter. But That's Just Me. You want to go with The Latter, all I can say is Good Luck With That.

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For anyone interested in learning more about the relevance of Soviet influence, I highly recommend THE MITROKHIN ARCHIVE, by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin. The book details Soviet active measures, like those Karys Rhea discusses in the podcast.

Also, I’d second Rhea regarding the great work Izabella Tabarovsky has been doing on this topic.

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The Ashkenazi East European (Turkic) Jews are not Semites. Who are Semites? They are the people who live and speak the Semitic language in the Palestinian region of the world. So, personally, I am not an antisemite. However, I do criticize the Satan-worshiping, child molesting, thieving, murdering, Ashkenazi East-European Turks that pretend to be the same people of Palestine (now the criminal state of Israel) and find most of them repulsive. As far as the term 'hate' goes, there is nothing wrong with hating a person or a people. If some group of people cause harm to my people or my nation then I may hate them. Hate does not mean 'kill'. THE BIG QUESTION IS: WHY DO SOME PEOPLE HATE THESE East European Jews (who masquerade as Semitic Jews) ? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO RECEIVE SO MUCH HATE. Start reading and investigate history - you will find your answers.

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The Ashkenazi East European (Turkic) Jews are not Semites. Who are Semites? They are the people who live and speak the Semitic language in the Palestinian region of the world. So, personally, I am not an antisemite. However, I do criticize the Satan-worshiping, child molesting, thieving, murdering, Ashkenazi East-European Turks that pretend to be the same people of Palestine (now the criminal state of Israel) and find most of them repulsive. As far as the term 'hate' goes, there is nothing wrong with hating a person or a people. If some group of people cause harm to my people or my nation then I may hate them. Hate does not mean 'kill'. THE BIG QUESTION IS: WHY DO SOME PEOPLE HATE THESE East European Jews (who masquerade as Semitic Jews) ? WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO RECEIVE SO MUCH HATE. Start reading and investigate history - you will find your answers.

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