I don't use TikTok, I think everyone that cares about free speech should boycott the platform. It would not surprise me in the slightest if the PRC is intentionally promoting Woke ideology through TikTok terms of service because they know it weakens liberal democracies.

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TikTok is key to reach a younger demographic.

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This would be a great conversation to have with Tristan Harris, I do understand and appreciate the intent; but it sort of depends which evil you think is greater: The messages spread on viral social media platforms like TikTok, or the platforms themselves. I don't have the answer, I just know that I've basically quit Facebook due to too many stupid arguments; the platforms themselves just don't lend themselves to in depth discussion of complicated issues.

Anyway, love the format that you're doing on YT, that does seem inherently different to me than FB and Twitter, at least.

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Imo you are correct in a sort of roundabout way. I got TikTok quite recently (my younger brother had been nagging me to get it for almost a year).

The Algorithm is very clever, it figures out what content you like (through your engagement i.e likes, favourites, watch time). It then uses this data to recommend you content that users with similar interests like which creates huge echo chambers. Once the user is in one of these echo chambers the algorithm then seems to slowly start recommending more extreme content which is purposefully divisive and is designed to polarise people.

On TikTok you could upload the same video and receive completely different comment sections depending on what group of people it is recommended it to. The best example I saw was Josh Hawley questioning an extremely woke law professor (Khaira Bridges), one video was full of comments praising the professor while the other was full of comments praising Hawley.

TL;DR: TikTok creates huge echo chambers which recommend more and more extreme content which massively polarises people. Therefore you are correct that TikTok is promoting woke ideology and that it polarises and divides people thus weakening western countries.

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You have described the very reason why people should not use TikTok. China is causing division as well as current administration. Trump tried to ban TikTok.

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Very interesting, Ashley.

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Totally agree. Will never use TikTok. It’s unsafe and parents should never allow their children to use this platform.

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The Chinese--no matter what governing entity it is at any moment in time--always play the long game. They own technology now and they will use every means possible to own us, to demoralize us, to destroy our ability to educate children to think and discern.

And both parties have sold us out as a country.

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Continue to post. Any less is to concede to wokism.

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No interest whatsoever in the TikTok platform, so am unable to weigh in, other than keep posting since they are not yet threatening to deplatform you, just removing certain posts. All your work is of value, so all those not removed are of some worth.

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Continue to post entire content and report as above when censored.

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Tik tok is designed for very different purposes than philosophical debate.The last thing they want its users to do is employ any residual capacity for reason they haven't yet destroyed. And yes, there is something to Musk's remarks about the platform's effects on social cohesion.

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JBP has a rule about this. Do what is meaningful, not expedient!

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No person or organization that truly believes in freedom of expression and conscience should use TikTok for any purpose. Eventually it will get an accurate reputation as fostering suppression and censorship of decent opinion and post-puberty intelligent people will ignore it.

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Continue to post as you wish. You will have my support for living your values.

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Don’t censor yourself. If you get kicked off for telling the truth, consider it a badge of honor.

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I agree with everything that you and the bloggers say about Tik Tok. (I use neither that platform nor any other that's included in "social media.") My comment, however, is about something in the content of that video.

The trans movement is not rooted in misogyny, although it clearly has a negative impact on women. But that's not its only or even its primary negative impact. Like other movements that wokism has absorbed, this one is deeply rooted in a rebellion against reason and, by extension, against science, the Enlightenment and Western civilization itself. Wokers, including not only trans activists but also ideological feminists, attack reason as a manifestation of "male privilege" and "patriarchy." Their rhetoric is therefore at least as deeply rooted in misandry as in misogyny (more so in my opinion). The results for men of this attack on reason are not the same as those for women, but they're at least as disastrous for both men and society as a whole. How are men, let alone boys, to establish any healthy collective identity if they are relentlessly and implacably shamed as the ultimate source of all evil? And how can any civilization at all endure if its reliance on reason itself (which no scientist would ignore in women) is equated with Original Sin?

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I agree that men are under relentless attack and society suffers for it.

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I can't offer advice. (it's not even worth two cents.) But I can keep supporting you in whatever choices you make. They've worked well so far.

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Continue to report entire content, knowing when it is censored, and is reported upon doing so, will drive users to seek out the information they have censored. Sometimes it works in reverse than what they want it to. Censoring it creates desire to see what all the fuss is about.

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I'm not familiar with Tik Tok.

How they censor and how they're organised will help you decide.

I didn't see a description of the censoring mechanism in the other comments. It may include some combination of:

1. User feedback

2. Algorithmic censoring which, of itself, may be complex

3. Human censorship against a system, with protected categories and the like

4. Party "active measures" campaigns

Tik-Tok may also have a multiple audience model. That could mean that some of the above might differ between audiences.

Whether they have a per country censorship system, or a centralised mechanism, is also important.

I presume there are people out there who have insights. They may be available to help. There are also insights available for other platforms which may be of use.

(The human moderators may operate in an unpleasant workplace and not be able to do a great job.)

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Chinese companies should not have any rights in the west. They are CCP controlled and should not be allowed to do business in a free society

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I believe that TikTok is a cancer that will aid the CCP in taking the place of the United States as the worlds leader. The government isn’t going to shut it down so Americans need to stay far away from the app.

Until Americans take matters into their own hands and quit expecting the government and politicians to keep the citizens safe, our path is heading to a dark place.

We need to return to in person interactions because that is how humans are wired to co-exist. Living life by watching videos of other peoples lives contributes to anxiety, depression and self confidence. Kids of all ages need in person interaction to fulfill their needs and to become contributing members of society.

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