I recently had an intense conversation with Yasmine Mohammed, a human rights activist and author of Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam. Yasmine began by sharing her harrowing personal experiences: her mother’s conversion to radical Islam, her forced marriage to an Al-Qaeda terrorist, and the traumatic impact these events had on her life.
Our discussion covered a wide range of topics, including the Islamic religion, Islamic immigration in Europe, and the specific challenges faced by Muslim immigration in London. We examined the complexities of integrating large numbers of immigrants who may not share the host country’s values. I emphasized that while the vast majority of Muslims are good, decent, and law-abiding people, there is a non-trivial number of Muslims who harbor extremist views and seek to undermine the societal fabric through violence, genocidal hatred of Jews, the imposition of Sharia law, and attempts to overthrow host governments and bring about an Islamic caliphate.
I admire Yasmine Mohammed's boldness, honesty, and forthright speech. This conversation should serve as a wake-up call and offer an honest perspective on issues of civilizational importance. I hope you find it as meaningful as I do.
Yasmine’s organization, Free Hearts Free Minds
Another very good discussion, although I whole heartedly disagree with you, on the surrender. Why would you not then apply that logic to the trans movement?? Why not surrender, as that mind virus has exponentially metastasized on a arguably larger/faster scale than this silent jihad?
I would agree with you, if we all agreed that the celebs. "leaders", influencers should ultimately steer the ship. Yes Americans in general as lazy asses and wallow in a malaise of netflix, doordash and social media, however, there is a ground swell happening among the commoners (especially in Europe) which, if history is any indication, will spread.
Yasime is correct, you fight. Otherwise your surrender results in your infidel daughters being made into sexual slaves and sub-humans, and all who aren't initially killed for refusing to convert will become dhimmi (tributaries). Everything you rightly see as abhorrent, that happened to Yasmine and others, we would condone for them and ourselves through the surrender.
That aside, my thanks to Yasime, for confirming what I have been saying for a while now. We are in the middle of a silent jihad. They are working toward a critical mass, but we are getting plenty of warning alarms along he way.
Last thing, people need to understand what Yasmine alluded to - in your silence or support of the influencer apologists, you condone not only the overt rape, murder and abuse many women have faced - you support the jihad, that is building in your towns, cities, stats and countries.
Great work Peter and Reed.
Peter, The small number of Muslims who actually commit horrific crimes is not the problem. Rather it is the very large percentage of Muslims who support them and the most extremes aspects of sharia.
For a good summary of a study by Pew, google "Sharia uber Alles."