Another very good discussion, although I whole heartedly disagree with you, on the surrender. Why would you not then apply that logic to the trans movement?? Why not surrender, as that mind virus has exponentially metastasized on a arguably larger/faster scale than this silent jihad?

I would agree with you, if we all agreed that the celebs. "leaders", influencers should ultimately steer the ship. Yes Americans in general as lazy asses and wallow in a malaise of netflix, doordash and social media, however, there is a ground swell happening among the commoners (especially in Europe) which, if history is any indication, will spread.

Yasime is correct, you fight. Otherwise your surrender results in your infidel daughters being made into sexual slaves and sub-humans, and all who aren't initially killed for refusing to convert will become dhimmi (tributaries). Everything you rightly see as abhorrent, that happened to Yasmine and others, we would condone for them and ourselves through the surrender.

That aside, my thanks to Yasime, for confirming what I have been saying for a while now. We are in the middle of a silent jihad. They are working toward a critical mass, but we are getting plenty of warning alarms along he way.

Last thing, people need to understand what Yasmine alluded to - in your silence or support of the influencer apologists, you condone not only the overt rape, murder and abuse many women have faced - you support the jihad, that is building in your towns, cities, stats and countries.

Great work Peter and Reed.

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Thank you! (Reid)

I would like to hear a coherent argument from those responsible for the unbridled illegal immigration. But, of course, they won't speak with me.

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No they can't speak with either of you or anyone who invokes common sense and logical investigation of a given issue. It would be dangerous, in the same way allowing harris to rift unscripted, without teleprompters and while under the influence is dangerous.

You can't have the masses hearing anything close to a truth, that they have not curated.

Although, if they did come on the podcast, I would expect the standard myorkas double speak and talking points, with the disaffected and expressionless delivery, he is expert at.

Again this was a great episode. I shred this with another woman who has spoken out against the oppression of the muslim/islamic world, where women are concerned.

@breakfreewithkarenhunt said she will be on Yasmine's podcast Nov 15, so your work closed another loop for me. Karen also has some very good first hand experience from her time in Luxor, during which time she taught kick boxing to young girls.

Thanks again guys. You are doing excellent work!!

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Peter, The small number of Muslims who actually commit horrific crimes is not the problem. Rather it is the very large percentage of Muslims who support them and the most extremes aspects of sharia.

For a good summary of a study by Pew, google "Sharia uber Alles."

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People in this country wont even stand up to child genital mutilation with, ultimately, no life or death consequence. I'm not sure how realistic is it to expect moderate Muslims to speak up against people who would readily murder them.

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The key finding of the Pew study based on opinion polling in half a dozen Islamic countries is that large numbers of silent Muslims are quite "immoderate" and privately support such things as capital punishment for apostasy, blasphemy against Allah, etc. at the same time the media is often assuming they are moderate and peace-loving.

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I would argue that people have been conditioned to not stand up or question things so that they are more easily manipulated. Once one has looked in honest at what has been done in all areas of our life it's hard to unsee it. Everything has been about creating a society of productive factory workers (later to become computer/data entry workers) who do not question authority. Everything from our educational system to central banking has been about control. I imagine the first time one of your bogus papers got published your eyes were opened in a way unlike ever before.

The days of "that's Conspiracy Theory" and "That's the slippery slope fallacy" are over. People are recognizing that society is infected with what I call societal cancers; ideologies that are self destructive to the health of a society. Some are more easily recognized like the woke non-sense but still some are still supported because we fear speaking against it like the modern feminist movement. While no doubt many women believe feminism is about equality the fact is it is not, for equality was codified decades ago. Since then feminism has been about power and special/preferential treatment. It matters not if most of it's followers believe differently only how it plays out. Do you deny that we have lowered physical requirement in emergency service roles to allow women to enter these roles? How is that not unhealthy for a society. How is it not dangerous to lowe4r physical requirements for a female firefighter when those physical requirement exist to save lives?

Currently the video game industry is going thru a serious decline because it followed the path of Affirmative action/DEI like philosophy giving preferential treatment to person's who on their own merit would never get the job. I am speaking mainly of women. It's not there are not god developers who are women but that they are the few and so trying to force an equal balance of men and women can only lead to desasterous outcomes. While gaming is not something critical to society this is being applied everywhere. Imagine the damage that will come in 5-10 years from city's who's engineering depts. have followed DEI like hiring practices forcing more women into positions traditionally held by men because of "equality"?

It will be a hard pill to swallow after so many years of supporting feminism but it's time to face reality. The philosophy that feminism promotes to women is to focus on education and a career thinking of family only years later when a woman is too old to be starting a family. That is societal suicide. It also tells women to be like men and since men and women do NOT value the same things in a partner this is destroying women's chances at a happy life. Men do not value promiscuity's and yet feminism says have sex with as many as you can before marriage. It encourages women to be masculine which is also a turn off to men. Feminism has helped women make strides in the career world but at what price to their long term happiness?

I say this as a husband to a college educated wife who placed family before career and because of biological reality that is what we need to be promoting to women; not that they focus first on a career or being some boss babe.

Can you look at what modern feminism has done to society, not to just women, and honestly say it has improved things for society? It's time to admit that feminism has gone astray and is more harmful to society then helpful. We can pretend all we want to fulfill some pre-determined concept about women's place in society but if you deny reality it will eventually deny you.

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To enable is to condone is to support is to enable....

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29:09 Mark

Egyptian President Al-Sisi at Al-Azhar: We Must Revolutionize Our Religion

Jan 01, 2015


Abd Al-Fattah Al-Sisi: We spoke earlier about the importance of the religious discourse, and I would like to reiterate that we are not doing enough with regard to true religious discourse. The problem has never been with our faith. Perhaps the problem lies in ideology, and this ideology is sanctified among us. I am talking about religious discourse that is in keeping with its times.

I am addressing the religious scholars and clerics. We must take a long, hard look at the current situation. I have talked about this several times in the past. We must take a long, hard look at the situation we are in. It is inconceivable that the ideology we sanctify should make our entire nation a source of concern, danger, killing, and destruction all over the world. It is inconceivable that this ideology… I am referring not to "religion," but to "ideology" – the body of ideas and texts that we have sanctified in the course of centuries, to the point that challenging them has become very difficult.


Honorable Imam [the Grand Sheik of Al-Azhar], you bear responsibility before Allah. The world in its entirety awaits your words, because the Islamic nation is being torn apart, destroyed, and is heading to perdition. We ourselves are bringing it to perdition.


Translation: We Muslims Have A problem. Around The World when someone talks about Muslims or Islam, The 1st thing people think is Terrorist. And Its All You Fault. Change Your Teaching.

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Obviously, I sincerely hope for an Islamic Enlightenment. See the work of Ideas Beyond Borders.

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I'll See Your "Ideas Beyond Borders". (Thanks BTW) and raise you

The Closing of the Muslim Mind: How Intellectual Suicide Created the Modern Islamist Crisis By Robert R. Reilly


Islam's Intellectual Suicide—and the Threat to Us All

People are shocked and frightened by the behavior coming out the Islamic world—not only because it is violent, but also because it is seemingly inexplicable. While there are many answers to the question of “what went wrong” in the Muslim world, no one has decisively answered why it went wrong. Until now.

In this eye-opening new book, foreign policy expert Robert R. Reilly uncovers the root of our contemporary crisis: a pivotal struggle waged within the Muslim world nearly a millennium ago. In a heated battle over the role of reason, the side of irrationality won. The deformed theology that resulted, Reilly reveals, produced the spiritual pathology of Islamism, and a deeply dysfunctional culture.



If Reilly is correct, I think (want him) to be this has been going on since 900CE.

BTW the Audiobook is also on Youtube.

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It's not just at breakfast anymore.

This might help flip the light switch ON...


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