So 30% of people claiming to be anti-fascists are in fact fascists and completely ok with removing political opponents

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Why not be a full-fledged adult and admit that both the far left & right are rotten people? American politics has literally become two groups of extremists accusing the other of extremism!

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1) You inserted something Dan_e never said in the post you replied to. Saying something factual about the modern Left is not the same as saying the Modern Left is bad but the Modern Right is free of all sin.

2) Not every political critique requires speaking about the critique with regards to both sides.

3) The extremism that is on the right is small and thus ineffective today and the MAGA movement is not extreme unless you’re a member of the globalist trying to re-shape national governments to reset society as they have openly bragged about or extreme is defined as “they disagree with us and want to change what we’ve done”.

What is a problem is corruption in BOTH parties where they do not what is in the interest of their constituent's but whatever the highest campaign donors tell them via their lobbyists. Both parties, especially in leadership, have what I call sell-outs often referred to as RINOs. I don't use that term because RINO does not completely describe the problem it only implies that this Republican is really a Democrat when in fact they aren't a Democrat but a member of what has become commonly referred to as the Uni-Party; those elected persons who for all intent and purpose are owned by private 3rd parties who are the largest campaign donors not only to each elected representative but to that persons party as a whole. Thanks to SCOTUS’s ruling on Citizens United those with wealth can now more easily purchase politicians or at the very least rent them when needed.

While this doesn’t actually happen (although it might one day with where we are headed) it might as well. Imagine an auction where that which is being auctioned off are political favors (those are the cheaper items) and politicians (the expensive stuff). If you’re a person/entity with zero ethics and money you too can purchase a piece of legislation to either protect you from competition or rid your self of those pesky regulations that limit your ability to make more money. Need something more? Then for the right price you can purchase an option on an elected member of the house or Senate based on tenure. The longer they’ve been there the higher the price. NOTE: There are discounts on members with tenure who due to age are expected to either die or server but only 1 or 2 more sessions.

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I'll just comment on this circular argument you wrote:

"3) The extremism that is on the right is small and thus ineffective today and the MAGA movement is not extreme unless you’re a member of the globalist trying to re-shape national governments to reset society as they have openly bragged about or extreme is defined as “they disagree with us and want to change what we’ve done”."

You claim that MAGA is a "small" movement by making the assumption that anyone against MAGA (which I primarily despise for its anti-environmental stupidity) is part of a vast global cabal to control everyone. I'd say there are enough brain-dead global warming deniers in the world to do serious damage. The biggest thing I fear about the Left is a woke race war, especially after shale oil fracking peaks (per Art Berman et al) and the economy gets potentially desperate.

That's my theme that both fringes are dangerous and we can't keep coddling them. The world they create is full of endless ideological bickering while adults are trying to solve real problems that require broad cooperation. MAGA is just as dumb as ACAB.

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Conflation? This was inevitable as a fall back tactic.

I never said MAGA was small, you combined the large MAGA movement with a small group factual extremists and tried to associate them with Global Warmning Deniers which itself is a psychological attack on those refusing to go along with the appeal to authority fallacy.

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yup, never thought it would be up to 30%, but I guess that's the result of years of polarizing

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If it was a Republican like George W. Bush, I doubt you'd see nearly as many "too bad he missed" comments. Trump is just an obvious schemer.

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Exactly - and I'm honestly surprised it isn't closer to half because polarization has become so entrenched. Additionally, there have been several instances where it seemed like dt evaded consequences inappropriately and that weakens people's ability to trust the system, leaving them more likely to believe that violence is the only way.

It's deeply disturbing and I feel like we have to really push back on the extremism and vitriol etc. and remember that we may have different views, but we are all Americans (as applicable) who need to work together to figure this stuff out.

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It's not higher because, political speaking, around %50-%60 of the public ( depending on what survey/study you go with ) are the go-along-to-get-along's. while the rest are party dedicated be it Republicans, Democrats or one of the smaller parties. It is human nature to want to be accepted by the majority because humans are social creatures. Between the 2 sexes this is more true for women than men but humans want to be accepted and if that means going so far as denying reality they will do it. The Asch Conformity experiment has proved this many times. Supporting the assassination is a step to far for the Asch Conformity to work so it's only the die-hard Leftist's who would support violations of Constituonal rights to get their way who would support assassinating a presidential nominee/president because they don't perceive reality like we do and they are truly convinced Trump is the anti-Christ.

Never forget these people and what they supported because this isn't about being wrong and apologizing later, this ir beyond that.

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The Asch Conformity Experiment

For those unaware of what the Asch Conformity experiment was it was a test to see if implicit group pressure could cause someone to deny reality, to deny their lying eyes. The test involved 10 people, 9 of which are actors and 1 is the real test subject but they don’t know it. The test has been done numerous times in various ways so this is just an example of how it works. Each subject is shown a picture with 3 lines and asked if all 3 are the same or if one is different. There are 3 lines and one is clearly not the same length as the rest. It’s not different but something massive like half or twice the length but different enough so someone with proper vision can easily see they are not the same. The first 9 subjects (actors) say the lines are all the same and the real test subject is asked. At this point the subject is either a strong willed person who sees the rest as either blind, fools or playing a prank and says the lines are not the same going against the group or they are confused because they can e the lines are not the same but yet everyone else says they are so they bend to group pressure and say they are all the same so they don’t look like the odd one out. Often they will tell themselves I must not be seeing it correctly else why is everyone else saying they are the same. The truly alarming b it about this study is that every time they do it, around %75 of the test subjects say the lines are the same length.

Take what you know about what Asch Conformity experiment showed and apply it to societal norms and with control over all that influences people you can convince the majority to deny their lying eyes as long as the lie your selling isn’t to excessive.

90% of the media in the United States is controlled by just 6 corporations, all publicly traded and the same handful of people like BlackRock (just to name one) either have controlling interest in those companies giving them power to make the CEO do as they want or risk being replaced, and or they sit on those companies boards. With the interconnected world we have today it’s not at all difficult to apply the lessons from the Asch conformity experiment and convince society to accept abnormal norms because those %50-%60 believe the majority support it so they go along to get along.

What that means is they will lean into whatever they perceive is the majority position. They do this because they don't want to be part of the few, the outsider's. It's human nature to want to be accepted by the majority as humans are social creatures, This is even more true for women which is why of all the groups that have turned towards supporting Trump that have traditionally been Democrat supports like the Black community, women are the only segment that is not doing that and has leaned more into supporting Biden (at least before he dropped out) and the Democrat's. Why? Because with control of the news media, entertainment and social media, it's possible to create the perception that something is more or less than it really is.

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Typical for Marxists and supporters of Marxism. Fascism and Marxism are virtually identical.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

None of this vindicates Trump from being "an unserious carnival barker running for the most serious job in the world” (quoting the Philadelphia Inquirer). It just showcases the level of disgust with the man, starting with his 2016 campaign full of lies and crass insults, many of which were directed at his own party, in case anyone's forgotten.

The far left is as nasty as Trump, but it's wrong to associate them with most Democrats. Trump IS just that bad! He created the crass discourse that brought out the left's worst people, and all of them need to clam up now.

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So kill him. That is the solution.

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The chatter among Lefties I know is all around how Trump clearly staged the fake assassination. This is said matter-of-factly; it's not "if", it's "how".

These are the same people who describe all ideological disagreement as "fake news conspiracy theories" without batting an eyelash.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Do you think Trump had the election "stolen" from him, since you're talking about absurd conspiracy theories? Or that global warming is indeed a hoax (or just China's fault) because Trump & Co. said so?

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The "That's Conspiracy Theory" tactic no longer works. To many so called conpiracy theories have flipped to conspiracy fact for people to just believe one when they calim "That's conspiracy theory"

When police begin an investigation and the evidence leads them to believe that 2 or more people "conspired" to engage in an illegal act guess what the police have? A conspiracy theory. Would you like to guess if any of those "Conspiracy Theories" turned out to be Conspiracy Fact?

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

So what if random conspiracy theories end up being true? Most don't, and are kept alive by non-critical thinkers. Anyone can say anything about anyone or anything online without a shred of evidence.

A random example is the mindless claim about J.D. Vance humping a couch, from a falsely cited book page. Easily debunked, but it will persist as a "possibly true!" meme because so many people are non-serious about evidence.

The hypotheticals you mention are just a misdirection from Trump's lies about the "stolen election" and countless other things. The man reeks of dishonesty to observant adults.

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81 million votes

NOT 81 million voters

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This demonstrates just how effective the indoctrination of children K-12 along with what the universities add to that has been on the last 2 generations. This nonsense started with Millennial's entering adulthood because it was when they were first entering public education that those within the education system changed primary focus from education to indoctrination in order to produce generations of activists for collectivist governance. Young people who would fight to change America into a Collectivist state like Socialism, Marxism & Communism.

We no longer have public education schools but public indoctrination centers and the degree of this varies from school system to state. Not every school is at the same level but enough have been doing this to produce a populace today were today %30 wished a presidential candidate was killed. The wished the bullet had not missed because they have been fed with mass psychosis by the media, entertainment and most institutions that Trump is the antichrist who will enslave all and destroy our systenm of governance (which is not a Democracy despite claims ) even though none of that happened in his first term. That's military grade indoctrination!

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Most of my friends who are Democrats said they were glad he didn't die, because if he had the Republicans would have made some holy roller fundie the nominee.

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You mean they would have allowed the people to choose unlike how the DEMOCRAT party disallows it's supporters to pick the nominee?

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Two grammatical errors in your sentence, by the way. It's the "Democratic party" or "Democrats", not Democrat party; also, there is no apostrophe in "its".

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WOW! What a refute of the argument. How clever to use grammatical errors on social media as the means to defeat an argument. I am soo humbled.

Seriously though, thank you. Thank you for showing how the Left's priorities are all screwed up.

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