Oct 2Liked by Peter Boghossian

Well Peter, Colin and Chris - I think you are all wonderful and I sooooo admire this work you are all doing to challenge peoples thinking in order to promote children’s health from this disgusting evil cult of ideological gender brain-washing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all so much. Your online fan Sarah Hart Cheltenham, UK.

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Thank you so much.

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I'll add that psychology has completely abandoned the psychological well-being of wives of men who suddenly identify as women in the midst of a monogamous, heterosexual, years-long marriage. These "professionals" encourage these patients to deceive their wives, spend scarce family budget on an entire wardrobe, make-up kit, wigs and accessories for the "true life test" of crossdressing as often as possible. No longer silenced by such entities as the "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide" webpage, where journalists are told the wives stories are never reported, new documentary, Behind the Looking Glass, now tells the true life stories of 18 trans widows, including myself. The sexual demands, casual violence and overt narcissism give weight to the new term for this psychiatric illness: Identity-Based Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The role that violent, insulting, denigrating pornography plays in this ideology and identity movement proves to be shockingly large. The children of these men are traumatized and at risk. Link to the documentary at Lime Soda Films YouTube channel:


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I touch on this in our post-analysis of the conversation.

I would have sounded like a *crazy* conspiracy theorist if I started talking about the institutions in society that were ideologically captured and cranking out dangerous. fashionable nonsense.

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"dangerous fashionable nonsense", indeed. ICYMI, see Joanna Williams' "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology":


Can't say that I've more than skimmed it myself, but I touch on it briefly in my own kick at that kitty:

"Statistics Departments Corrupted by Gender Ideology: Lysenkoism and The Gangs Who Couldn't Shoot Straight"


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Show the flag Ute! 😉🙂

Though you'd be on more solid ground if you could get your head around the idea that sex and gender are two entirely different kettles of fish. Kinda think you're part of the problem in rejecting that idea.

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'get your head around' Yup. That's the problem. Sex is SCIENCE. Gender is not. It is 'head' stuff. Psychology is a 'soft' science, because of the integral touchy-feely of it. You can 'think' whatever you want, but if it is not based on reality - physical, scientific reality, it is literally 'all in your head' and I do NOT have to play along with someone's head games.

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Science vs Ideology. As I asked, on which side to do you fall during a conflict?

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You might try reading my follow-up comment which emphasizes that "psychology" of yours:


MW: "gender: 2b) the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex"


But that gender is basically an umbrella term for sexually dimorphic personalities, behaviours, roles, and modes of expression does not make those items less real, only a bit more difficult to quantify. You, in particular with something of an engineering background, might enjoy an article, co-authored by Colin Wright, on the topic:

"No Child is Born in the Wrong Body … and other thoughts on the concept of gender identity" https://4thwavenow.com/2019/08/19/no-child-is-born-in-the-wrong-body-and-other-thoughts-on-the-concept-of-gender-identity/

Of particular note there is the joint probability distribution showing significant differences, on average, between men and women in a wide variety of such psychological traits.

You might also like my efforts in the same vein to put gender on something of a more scientific footing:

"A Multi-Dimensional Gender Spectrum: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics": https://humanuseofhumanbeings.substack.com/p/a-multi-dimensional-gender-spectrum

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Thank you.

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I did not use the word gender. "Gender" is a made up misuse of a grammatical term. I don't know where you got the idea that I think sex is correctly also called "gender." Watch the documentary, ok? I'm the older woman appearing in the second half of the film, in short clips. I speak of the need for speedy annulment when a woman is facing this in marriage, as in my data of over 60 trans widows, more than 1/3 of us have been assaulted. In the US there are 2 documented cases of a man claiming female identity murdering his wife as she tried to get out. I cannot figure out why you think I believe in "gender" in any way, Steersman. No need to explain though.

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> " 'Gender' is a made up misuse of a grammatical term."

There's "your" problem, though too many others suffer from it, and one which contributes to the whole transgender clusterfuck.

You might try getting your head out of the "sand" and give some thought to other definitions that usefully shed some light on that sad state of affairs:

MW: "gender: 2b) the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex"


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I don't care what Merriam Webster made up about this! Look up the dictionary definition of woman! In several new additions, it says "those who identify as a woman. Just for your entertainment, here's an epic, but not too long, satirical history of the "trans" diagnosis by epic satirist and based gay dude, Mr. Menno in the UK


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I know you, and too many others, "don't care". That's what makes you all more a part of the problem than of the solution.

You don't seem to realize, or want to consider, that there are no intrinsic meanings to any of the words we define. Moses didn't bring "The First Dictionary" down from Mt. Sinai on tablets A through Z so none of our definitions qualify as gospel truth. But some definitions are more useful than others -- you simply have to consider what is supposedly being denoted by them.

For example, "male" and "female" are also used to denote plumbing and electrical connectors because they have convex and concave "mating surfaces":


Though it's more traditional to use "sex" instead of "gender". But a usage that goes back to the mid 1600s, the beginning of the industrial revolution:


Likewise with sex and gender -- there is a great deal of value in having words for reproductive abilities -- i.e., male and female as sexes -- and having OTHER words for the behavioural and psychological traits typical of but not unique to each sex -- i.e., masculine and feminine as genders.

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Well, thanks, I guess, for your attack on women trying to claw back the definition of woman. Watch the documentary, Steersman. Then tell me your thoughts.

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"... The psychologist asked, “How do we know that the existence of two sexes isn’t itself an ideology?” ..."

Um, gee, I dunno... How about SCIENCE? Biology? Genetics? The entire genome has been mapped and Surprise!! (not) There are only 2 - count em' TWO - sexes. With the rare instance of genetic *DEFORMITY* that results in a hermaphrodite.

I am always amazed, no flabbergasted, that the liberal left and left in general insists on SCIENCE for everything until sex comes up. And then all bets are off, because 'feelings'. So sorry, but 'feelings' aren't biological science. Feelings are psychology - head matters, mind things. You can *think* you are anything you want (dog, cat, horse, unicorn (my granddaughters favorite thing to BE) or a different sex) but unfortunately SCIENCE says differently. And once again, I am astonished at how fast a liberal turns rabid about being anti-science...

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There's a point to the current nonsense that doesn't come up much (although implied by what the psychologist is saying), the belief that biology, ergo sex, is a social construct, and coupled with post modernist derived theorizing. So believing whatever you want to belive is great, especially if what you want to believe "queers" things, ie just tears something down, irregardless of whether that thing is based on observation and reasoning or just someone else's pipedream.

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Where is the clarity of thought? So worrying that it is possible to be ratified professionally to be a practising psychologist and yet have such a seriously erroneous take on basic biological facts (2 genders)

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And he spoke to us. Imagine the beliefs of those who won't speak to us because they think we're Nazis.

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I imagine the psychologist is a member of Gen Z. Unfortunately young people of this generation have been taught all through their schooling that “sex is a spectrum” rather than “sex is binary”. So it’s probably not this guy’s fault. However it is very worrying that a whole generation has probably been completely misinformed.

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Thank You!

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Why when “the psychologist” said “My cousin knew he was a girl— he wanted to wear dresses”, didn’t someone say “THAT’S the ideology!”

It would have been a perfect segue to what’s happening now, and an opportunity to say “Wearing dresses doesn’t make a male boy or man female.”

Surgery isn’t necessary; a shift in our view of what’s acceptable for males and females to wear, perform whatever is necessary.

I was hoping Chris would have circled back to his statements at the beginning of the conversation.

Regardless— fascinating exchange; thank you.

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I applaud the engagement.

Unfortunately psychology is the very institution which conjured “gender identity” out of mid-air, then falsified data about it to institutionalize it.

It would be much more, well, entertaining to set the terms of discussion on why psychology cannot course correct on obvious delusion and missing the boat on puberty anxiety, rather than explain the obvious to the impermeable.

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That’s a silly question! And an easy answer: No, there are only two sexes and that had been true since evolution “ invented “ the binary of sex, millions and millions of years ago.

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