As always, I write to include the women who divorced suddenly crossdressing, demanding husbands in the discussions of transgenderism's damage to society. Here's a short interview from "Juliette," a trans widow with a 4 year old son. Like many of these men who used online sissy hypno pornography, became addicted and went down the trans rabbit hole, he's found another male like himself since she left him. He's less interested in the son, who is confused and feels rejected. Juliette deals with all this while working full time. She spent considerable time finding a therapist who agreed to allow her to call her ex-husband a man--that's how captured the field is.
Peter - growing up in Portland (Benson - UofO), I want to thank you for your courage and objectivity. What happened at PSU was epic, hilarious & tragic.
When the subject of gender ideology comes up I always come back to this quote from the journalist Jennifer Bilek:
“The only reason "transgenderism" has entered the cultural lexicon, all our institutions and the law, is corporate profit. Stop thinking about this as some sudden human rights movement that has fallen out of the sky and inspired the whole world in a nano second.
Corporations, Big Banking, Big Tech and Big pharma, all our politicians and governments suddenly care deeply about a tiny part of the population with identity issues? Please. This is so embarrasing and stupid. It's corporately driven for corporate profits with an eye toward more profiteering by unmooring humanity from its roots in sex. This ballderdash of third sex and wrong bodies is nonsense. The human rights movement for same-sex attraction was colonzied by Big Pharma during the AIDS crisis. Suddenly an entire market opened up: LGB are corporatized identities. In 2015 the LGB market was over 900 billion dollars. It is very hard to create any new markets out of sexual identity when you are a sexually dimorphic species. Gender identity changes all that. Enter the normalization of body dissociation via T+ and big corporate propaganda running 24/7 365 days a year for about seven years straight, and you have now generated a market of 3.6 trillion dollars. This is not brain surgery.”
Society keeps talking about what’s happening, with very little focus on why.
The $ Billions being made by surgeons and big pharma in the gender cult is a big factor. They make $1,500,000 per patient. Here is a breakdown: $200,000 to $300,000 for the surgery, and $1,200,000 fo the non FDA approved drugs they must take for the rest of their lives. This cult is being pushed by big corporations that want us to think it is an authentic mental issue. Follow the money.
If I heard you correctly, Peter, not understanding why people disagree with you about or caring about calling men women or vice versa by preferred pronouns, it’s a huge disservice and disrespect to the immutability of sex and those that belong to that sex. Would you extend the same to people who wanted to be transracial? It’s not that far fetched with plastic surgery, color enhancement, etc. for individuals to decide that they have a different racial soul, or to argue that their race is “assigned” at birth. It’s participating in a charade that breaches reality in a harmful way.
Reasonable points. In future videos, Mia presses me on this with increasingly bizarre examples, but yet those examples must be considered so that the ethical framework can be demarcated.
A clarification. If I’m offended by what you say, that’s on me and who really cares- sticks and stones. It’s about being asked, sometimes coerced, into bending realty.
Agreed, the level of acceptable absurdity keeps changing even when reality is apparent. As a woman, I am offended when a man is referred to as female just as, I think a black person would be offended by a white person pretending to be black, ie Rachel Polezal. It becomes an instinctual offense when someone is pissing on your leg and telling you it’s raining.
As always, I write to include the women who divorced suddenly crossdressing, demanding husbands in the discussions of transgenderism's damage to society. Here's a short interview from "Juliette," a trans widow with a 4 year old son. Like many of these men who used online sissy hypno pornography, became addicted and went down the trans rabbit hole, he's found another male like himself since she left him. He's less interested in the son, who is confused and feels rejected. Juliette deals with all this while working full time. She spent considerable time finding a therapist who agreed to allow her to call her ex-husband a man--that's how captured the field is.
Peter - growing up in Portland (Benson - UofO), I want to thank you for your courage and objectivity. What happened at PSU was epic, hilarious & tragic.
When the subject of gender ideology comes up I always come back to this quote from the journalist Jennifer Bilek:
“The only reason "transgenderism" has entered the cultural lexicon, all our institutions and the law, is corporate profit. Stop thinking about this as some sudden human rights movement that has fallen out of the sky and inspired the whole world in a nano second.
Corporations, Big Banking, Big Tech and Big pharma, all our politicians and governments suddenly care deeply about a tiny part of the population with identity issues? Please. This is so embarrasing and stupid. It's corporately driven for corporate profits with an eye toward more profiteering by unmooring humanity from its roots in sex. This ballderdash of third sex and wrong bodies is nonsense. The human rights movement for same-sex attraction was colonzied by Big Pharma during the AIDS crisis. Suddenly an entire market opened up: LGB are corporatized identities. In 2015 the LGB market was over 900 billion dollars. It is very hard to create any new markets out of sexual identity when you are a sexually dimorphic species. Gender identity changes all that. Enter the normalization of body dissociation via T+ and big corporate propaganda running 24/7 365 days a year for about seven years straight, and you have now generated a market of 3.6 trillion dollars. This is not brain surgery.”
Society keeps talking about what’s happening, with very little focus on why.
Thanks, Fly. I appreciate your kind words. It seems like a lifetime ago, no?
The $ Billions being made by surgeons and big pharma in the gender cult is a big factor. They make $1,500,000 per patient. Here is a breakdown: $200,000 to $300,000 for the surgery, and $1,200,000 fo the non FDA approved drugs they must take for the rest of their lives. This cult is being pushed by big corporations that want us to think it is an authentic mental issue. Follow the money.
See the whistleblowing of Eithan Haim. He discussed this in a video we shot with him about a year ago. Truly insane.
If I heard you correctly, Peter, not understanding why people disagree with you about or caring about calling men women or vice versa by preferred pronouns, it’s a huge disservice and disrespect to the immutability of sex and those that belong to that sex. Would you extend the same to people who wanted to be transracial? It’s not that far fetched with plastic surgery, color enhancement, etc. for individuals to decide that they have a different racial soul, or to argue that their race is “assigned” at birth. It’s participating in a charade that breaches reality in a harmful way.
Reasonable points. In future videos, Mia presses me on this with increasingly bizarre examples, but yet those examples must be considered so that the ethical framework can be demarcated.
A clarification. If I’m offended by what you say, that’s on me and who really cares- sticks and stones. It’s about being asked, sometimes coerced, into bending realty.
Agreed, the level of acceptable absurdity keeps changing even when reality is apparent. As a woman, I am offended when a man is referred to as female just as, I think a black person would be offended by a white person pretending to be black, ie Rachel Polezal. It becomes an instinctual offense when someone is pissing on your leg and telling you it’s raining.
Great episode and I completely agree.
The Supreme Court ruled in Lee Boyd Malvo (DC sniper) v Maryland that an adolescent male's brain is not fully developed until mid 20's
Thanks. I appreciate that. We have some deep dives on the way!
Awesome! Looking forward to it!
I very much appreciate your ability to bring critical thinking to these issues!
I don’t mean to tell anyone how to think, but I’d appreciate some feedback on something I wrote on Substack. Any respectful and meaningful comments that help me understand this issue more clearly is welcome!