I've seen him in another interview recently and he's a very interesting guy. Good to know you've heard of him.

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I wonder how the field of psychology/psychiatric went so very far off when it came to "affirming" cross-sex ideation as a diagnosis requiring detours in the urinary tract through sex trait modification surgeries? We who divorced suddenly raging narcissist husbands after the secret crossdressing hobby was discovered know the ancient morays were not in play for those therapy sessions. Window into the iatrogenic harm to the entire familial system in the new documentary, Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films YouTube channel. I appear a few times briefly, my best bit being that trans widows must be entitled to a swift annulment.


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I can promise you that we will look back at this time in horror. Guaranteed.

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But will you watch the documentary?

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Thank you for sharing. I watched the documentary and really appreciated how it came from the Trans-Widows POV. I do not have direct experience although l was divorced after discovering my hetro-husband had been having an affair with another woman.

To cut along story short, my story was nothing new and British Law was fairly well established. These ladies/mothers/wives are breaking new ground against a Woke agends similar to the Suffragettes who fought for the vote.

Any man who says he'd prefer to be a woman has no idea how disruptive a menstrual cycle is (30+years), how excuitiatingly painful (and dangerous) childbirth is, how tricky breastfeeding can be, then what it means to give up a lucrative career to be a full time mother. Don't get me started on Peri-Menopause, Menopause and Post-Menopausal symptoms.

There is a movement called "Walk A Mile In Her Shoes". It's a once a year event lasting about one hour where men have to spend an hour in stillettoes

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Greed and laziness is my first thought.

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