Race relations were optimal with GenX which graduated HS around the later 80's early 90's. GenX came closest to seeing past race and the race grifters and troublemakers of society saw that as a problem because as long as teh races are focused on each other they pass less attention to what their leaders in government are doing.

Yes it is the race griftens like Kendi who are promoting this but it's the wealthy elites like the Soro's and Gates who fund these things.

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Apr 16Liked by Peter Boghossian

Can we draft her to be the superintendent of Portland Public Schools? 🙏🏼

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I'm glad she was able to win the case and uphold the standards she has.

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I see we have some GenX people here, GOOD!

The white, red, yellow, black or white GenX'ers worked to see race as nothing but a Demographic. In the 80's you had white kids, poor and rich as well as in between, breaking it down to the rap tunes of the day; breakdancing. As a GenX'er it really hurts to see how far backwards the Millennials and GenZ fell. Millennials are the 1st generation who when young and dumb ( something EVERY generation goes thru ) were listened to b/c they were given power/access at too young and age simply because of the computing revolution. For the first time the next generation was ahead of the last b/c of computers. Toss in some bit coi heroes and SMart & ippertunist8c young men skilled in Information Technology and you have a generation that did not go thru the normal process f being young and dumb and learning/maturing from that We have 2 generations of adult aged juvenile's. Granted it is NOT all Millennials and or ALL GenZ just the majority.

GenX is the last and best of humanity. We have to step in and stop the young and dumb from destroying society via their ignorance and indoctrination by the state funded education system!

we ALL know that the indoctrinated warriors for Social Justice get upgrades in college to make them the ultimate activist for collectivist governance. Marxism, Socialism & Communism are all examples of collectivist governance.

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Anyone here from Canada and can recommend independent school networks that may approximate this style of education?

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I love this woman! She is fabulously smart, committed to excellence and has more guts than the entire Canadian government. She is doing brilliant work to improve the lives of her students. And she has great hair!

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Michaela school should be studied and franchised.

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Affirmative Action was the precursor to DEI, Where as DEI is about promoting incompetence across all groups (excpet for white hetrosexual males) Affirmative Action was about giving preferential/special treatment mainly to women, feminists mainly, and blacks but mainly it was about feminist and now that enough tie has passed we are seeing the net effect of installing 10's to 100's of thousands of women into jobs that they could never get on their own without Affirmative Action or DEI special treatment.

The Feminist Liberal Woman is the most dangerous creature on the planet for they will with blissful ignorance lead a society down a path of self destruction.

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I understand why this looks good, like a win but need you be reminded that we are at this point precisely because of the Left's efforts, specifically those who are atheist, to drive out of school anything that even hinted at religion and once that was achieved the public education system began it's down hill slide. I commend anyone's efforts to try and put school back on track including Katharine here but you all need to be reminded and daily that it is because of liberal ideology including pre-woke Liberalism that paved the path for getting us to where we are so the solution isn't to do it better this time but also differently.

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I don’t believe In talking to God

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