The author poses the question, “Why should man be moral?”
The correct answer is, “In order to live.”
Morality is required in order to guide man’s choices. If man chooses his course on the basis of whims, nature will dispose of him quickly.
Contrary to “other centered” morality, which tends to take up all interest, morality when properly considered is firstly “self-oriented”. What is required to make a man’s life possible, productive, successful; how is he to achieve happiness.
Unfortunate to see religion seep into organizations such as freedom from religion foundation who are all about the Trump now unfortunately and losing their objectivity and palatability despite the idea being palatable.
Some ideas to ponder for those who point to a Christian morality.
As a disputational Jew I've meandered about The mazes of contradictory logic and imponderable parables in response to hostile Gentiles with guile telling me I'm wrong all the while.
The fuck I am, misappropriated misquoted illogical non-objective incoherent contradictory and that leaves 21 other letters of the alphabet to describe the nope it gives me
Read 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold', revised edition by DM Murdock. If you can be bothered to do that you will have a life-changing understanding provided from post-PhD level extremely well-researched information proving without any doubt that Christianity in its entirety is a total fraud and that it is entirely non-spiritual and entirely politically motivated, which would actually be enormously liberating for you, the book is entirely non-religious and does not seek to proselytise in any way to any belief system, it is just pure scholarship, though while DM Murdock is reserved about her own understanding, not necessarily being agnostic or atheist
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law
Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:35: For I am come to set a man at
variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Matthew 10:36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
Matthew 10:37: He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Jesus never did
the following:
•Ezekiel 37:21. Bring the Jewish people back to Israel
•Ezekiel 37:22 one nation with a king
•Ezekiel 37:24 Jewish people will all do the teachings of G-d.
•Isaiah 11:9-10 world wide knowledge of G-d.
•Ezekiel 37 & 47 building of the third Temple which will stand forever.
•Isaiah 2:4 No More war
•Deuteronomy 17:8-11 Jesus did not fullfil the Law. He was never recognized as a prophet or Messiah.
I think that MORALITY is relevant but any idea which is explicitly 'Christain' is so fragmented and derided that it's almost automatically marginalized.
I think McGilchrist said it best. Attention is a moral act. We are moral creatures irrespective of our beliefs. It’s built-in to the wet wear. Whether conscious or unconscious how we attend to the world betrays our moral bias. As regards to Christian morality, it is relevant insofar as democratic institutions are constructed upon their framework. I would argue that some semblance of Christian morality is necessary to maintain our current Democratic institutions, but not necessarily relevant to the creation of new frameworks of democracy. Those could be Taoist or Buddhist or Pantheistic. However, I do believe in a universal morality. Values are discovered, not created.
I do not restrict Morals to being a Christian Thing. A world with no moral people would be an awful place. But when you flip the coin and think of a world where everyone was moral and looking to be and make the world a better place. I would rather live in the moral world. Real morality comes in most religions, Jewish, Moslem, et al.
It's hard to see anything Christian or moral about the so-called "Christian" West's silence in the face of ongoing Israeli overreach against the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City:
Short of combining sodium pentothal, a lie detector and brainwave analysers and bw vocabulary software (all very intrusive and wrong in themselves) how can you expect to extract the truth on anything from anyone OR judge their personal moral standard. You have to take some things on faith. Having said that, when a head hunter tells you he sees nothing wrong with cannibalism.....I think most people know when they've done wrong; you don't need to be familiar with the Bible.
Morality is right or wrong, good or bad, with man’s life as the standard of value. There is nothing relative about morality. It is objective, not subjective, it is not a function of one’s whim.
The founders of America were clear on that. And, no American was not founded on Christian values, it was founded on the basis of man’s unalienable right to his life, liberty and property.
I’m an atheist, I think Christian values are critically important for cultural cohesion.
This is the position an increasing number of people are adopting.
Christian morality is as simple as the first two commandments. Jesus boiled it all down for us.
And if so-called golden rule isn't relevant, nothing is. It's the way we all know to act.
If you believe in nothing; you WILL fall for everything.
The author poses the question, “Why should man be moral?”
The correct answer is, “In order to live.”
Morality is required in order to guide man’s choices. If man chooses his course on the basis of whims, nature will dispose of him quickly.
Contrary to “other centered” morality, which tends to take up all interest, morality when properly considered is firstly “self-oriented”. What is required to make a man’s life possible, productive, successful; how is he to achieve happiness.
I love how the 2 girls who were skeptical of Christian morality best articulated it at the end of the video, unwittingly of course.
That was a delicious irony.
I used to be a radical atheist. Now I am more post-secular.
What matters most? I honestly don't know, because I was pretty solid before, just as I am solid now. I just never struggled with any of it.
No to start with.
Unfortunate to see religion seep into organizations such as freedom from religion foundation who are all about the Trump now unfortunately and losing their objectivity and palatability despite the idea being palatable.
Some ideas to ponder for those who point to a Christian morality.
As a disputational Jew I've meandered about The mazes of contradictory logic and imponderable parables in response to hostile Gentiles with guile telling me I'm wrong all the while.
The fuck I am, misappropriated misquoted illogical non-objective incoherent contradictory and that leaves 21 other letters of the alphabet to describe the nope it gives me
Read 'The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold', revised edition by DM Murdock. If you can be bothered to do that you will have a life-changing understanding provided from post-PhD level extremely well-researched information proving without any doubt that Christianity in its entirety is a total fraud and that it is entirely non-spiritual and entirely politically motivated, which would actually be enormously liberating for you, the book is entirely non-religious and does not seek to proselytise in any way to any belief system, it is just pure scholarship, though while DM Murdock is reserved about her own understanding, not necessarily being agnostic or atheist
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple.
Matthew 10:34-35
34. Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.
35. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law
Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
Matthew 10:35: For I am come to set a man at
variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Matthew 10:36: And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
Matthew 10:37: He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Jesus never did
the following:
•Ezekiel 37:21. Bring the Jewish people back to Israel
•Ezekiel 37:22 one nation with a king
•Ezekiel 37:24 Jewish people will all do the teachings of G-d.
•Isaiah 11:9-10 world wide knowledge of G-d.
•Ezekiel 37 & 47 building of the third Temple which will stand forever.
•Isaiah 2:4 No More war
•Deuteronomy 17:8-11 Jesus did not fullfil the Law. He was never recognized as a prophet or Messiah.
I think that MORALITY is relevant but any idea which is explicitly 'Christain' is so fragmented and derided that it's almost automatically marginalized.
Like the recent debate around 'ordo amoris'...
Just read The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis for the answers.
I was going to say the Ten Commandments, that covers them all
I think McGilchrist said it best. Attention is a moral act. We are moral creatures irrespective of our beliefs. It’s built-in to the wet wear. Whether conscious or unconscious how we attend to the world betrays our moral bias. As regards to Christian morality, it is relevant insofar as democratic institutions are constructed upon their framework. I would argue that some semblance of Christian morality is necessary to maintain our current Democratic institutions, but not necessarily relevant to the creation of new frameworks of democracy. Those could be Taoist or Buddhist or Pantheistic. However, I do believe in a universal morality. Values are discovered, not created.
I do not restrict Morals to being a Christian Thing. A world with no moral people would be an awful place. But when you flip the coin and think of a world where everyone was moral and looking to be and make the world a better place. I would rather live in the moral world. Real morality comes in most religions, Jewish, Moslem, et al.
It's hard to see anything Christian or moral about the so-called "Christian" West's silence in the face of ongoing Israeli overreach against the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City:
In fact, I often see more support for Armenians among principled Jews & Israelis than among the "Christian" West.
Though I also wrote this:
"Hypocritical Jewish Organizations and the Armenian Genocide"
We live in a postChristian west.
Rational Egoism, as set forth in Objectivism, the philosophic system created by Ayn Rand, is the proper morality for man’s life on earth.
Man derives his knowledge by means of his perceptual faculty, integrated by his reason, which is his sole means of knowledge.
There is no other world by which man receives knowledge my means of some mystical transmitter.
Rand stated, “Your life belongs to you, and the good is to live it.”
Hey, that is my thumbnail, very rough sketch. Objectivism is proper for man, because it is true.
For the real deal, check out, “Objectivism the Philosophy of Ayn Rand”, by Dr. Leonard Peikoff. Or go to the Ayn Rand Institute website.
There's the matter of serial killer Hickman to consider. Now this site says she did not admire him.
However, Raw Story's left-slanted hit piece focuses on the man she admired and damns her by association.
I've never found Randian thought appealing and never like Rand or what she stood for.
Yes, non parasitic religion is important now more than ever.
Short of combining sodium pentothal, a lie detector and brainwave analysers and bw vocabulary software (all very intrusive and wrong in themselves) how can you expect to extract the truth on anything from anyone OR judge their personal moral standard. You have to take some things on faith. Having said that, when a head hunter tells you he sees nothing wrong with cannibalism.....I think most people know when they've done wrong; you don't need to be familiar with the Bible.
Morality is right or wrong, good or bad, with man’s life as the standard of value. There is nothing relative about morality. It is objective, not subjective, it is not a function of one’s whim.
The founders of America were clear on that. And, no American was not founded on Christian values, it was founded on the basis of man’s unalienable right to his life, liberty and property.
Sounds good to me but spirituality is often aligned with morality anyway.