NOTE: I know that Ozempic is not a vaccine but’s produced by the same industry that makes vaccines and if you think the protection the vaccine side gets hasn’t influenced any other parts of the industry then you’re not paying attention.

With how the pharmaceutical industry has morphed into the societal parasite it is, it's impossible to believe anything they say. This is also applicable to the corporate world in general, they’ve become so accustom to lying like our own politicians so they just keep lying with occasional truth accidentally slipping into the conversation. The pharmaceutical industry has perverse incentives to lie with little to no accountability and/or repercussions so why would they do anything other then seek to make as many sellable products as possible? They took a valid problem, excess frivolous lawsuits, and with a threat to stop making needed vaccines available because of the lawsuits they effectively strong armed our leaders into giving the industry %100 protection from any harm or death caused by its vaccine products. There is a vaccine court so thoe who are victims are not without any choices it’s just that when a victim is awarded/recognized as being harmed the industry itself cares not because its protected.

Do you think cars would work better or be safer if the automobile industry had this kind of protection? Do you think food packaging would be better/safer if that industry was protected from liable? If it's good enough for the pharmaceutical industry, then shouldn't general medicine get the same protection? Imagine how much better qualified your doctor/nurse would be if they were protected from any/all harm they caused. I hope that's enough examples to prove the point.

Without liability/accountability a once private sector industry as been turned into a government/private business hybrid and just as you can’t believe what the Federal Government says until proven true you can’t believe anything these guys say.

What’s most dangerous of this is the additional dependency layer it has created. The National Vaccine Act established another dependency layer, something we can’t break free of because we’ve made ourselves dependent on it. The Federal government has created a number of these Dependency Layers but the private sector is behind some of these like the “Too big to fail” banks.

When the government injects itself into the free market, almost always under the guise of helping, it does the opposite of helping the public. It helps the politicians, bureaucrats and corporate CEO’s that all score $$ from these dependency layers but it harms the rest of us and in a way we can’t easily break free from. Just wait till they get that precedent they were trying to with covid, the one that says during an emergency the Federal Government can force you to take a drug even one that has NOT been thru the normal best practices development of a vaccine? Initially the president was for a vaccine but had the courts not shut that shift down from the Biden admin do you really think that it would be unlike all other programs and not grow/expand over time? I guarantee you within less than 1 year after getting that precedent the Feds will be discussing widening it to all drugs and not just vaccines. Does the legalization of the mandating of the drugging of the public scare you? Scares the hell out of me!

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Yes, trust and/or confidence in the pharmaceutical industry is... let's just say there's reason to doubt that they have noble intentions. With that being said, as Hari mentioned in the interview, these drugs really can save the lives of people who are morbidly obese. And for these people, who have tried and failed, they may be their only hope.

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