I wish to clarity for readers a few things about Lesbian and Gay events which show how the political movement has been utterly co-opted by non-Gay and non-Lesbian forces over the decades. If you have a moment, click the link I added for a view on actual information from early Lesbian and Gay Freedom, or Liberation Parades.


In 1980, if you went to a Gay or Lesbian Parade perhaps in LA, it was called the "Lesbian and Gay Freedom Day Parade". At the time, you might have seen me marching in the parade, and a similarly named parade in Houston, in the "Gay Freedom Band". The link I attached a link to my friends at Bolerium Books, which has a remarkable collection of Ephemera, including Lesbian and Gay event posters, brochures, and other printed material. Internet is not an archive of Lesbian and Gay life, not even close, and Wikipedia has remarkably false information in this historical front.

The focus - freedom, liberation continued from the 60's through to almost the end of the 90's, but you can see from pamphlets that by 1997, in San Francisco, it became the the Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender Pride Parade in San Francisco.

Originally of course idea was to celebrate Lesbian and Gay liberation - that we could enjoy our First Amendment rights of free association, freedom of the speech, and could not be arrested, imprisoned, fined, and in some states forced into emasculation, chemical castration, lobotomy, or psychological conversion. These were ever-present dangers, even after the events of the 60's, particularly Stonewall. Even as late as the 2000's, men could be arrested and imprisoned for soliciting other men for sex, for instance in Texas. That, at least is over now, and we enjoy true Freedoms. Since 2014, that included the Freedom to marry. Coincidentally, it also freed non-lesbian and non-gay people from many misconceptions and fears, and allowed everyone to operate on a relatively even keel, or relative equality. We achieved in great part "Freedom From" along the lines of Isaiah Berlin.

Unfortunately, then a huge number of Gay men died in the '80s from HIV/AIDS, including virtually all political leaders, and as people can see daily, lack of leadership has ghastly consequences. Every gay friend I had was dead by 1990 in LA, which seems amazing as I write it today. Lesbians soldiered with their side of leadership, but by 1991 they were being 'colonized' by heterosexual men. The turning point event was at Mitchfest (a Lesbian festival) was challenged to include men, to the point of active parallel protests by men in 1995. These were men who claimed to be female of course, but also claimed solidarity with LGB. Most if not all Gay men were pretty happy to have Lesbians go off and have their own bars and events, and most Lesbians were totally happy to have Gays go off and have their own bars and events. This freedom was not to last however.

What this then gradually mutated into in the 90's was the encroachment of 'queer', and 'transgender' into the political movement, and the belief that the events not only should celebrate freedom, but the 'A' word made it's way - 'affirmation'. It wasn't enough to be able to go to a bar without being arrested, or being able to buy a magazine, the direction was that there must be positive affirmation that everything lesbian and gay - and bisexual - and queer - and trans - and whatever - must be positively affirmed, ceaselessly, with rainbow.

Events at Mitchfest were the beginning of the end as gradually the L&G movement started to erode, with encroachment primarily by heterosexual men. By 2014 of course, 20 years later, with the advent of Lesbian and Gay marriage, the vacuum left by an entire generation of gay men as well as the lack of apparent need for political support in protection of young lesbians and gays, as well as for job protection and housing, the movement turned inside out.

Now, most if not all gay and lesbian political institutions deny the existence of homosexuality, or critique it as some sort of genital bias, and level the same critiques used back in the 60's and 70's to promote ideas of conversion of (particularly young) gays and lesbians into functional heterosexuals using emasculation, chemical castration, and psychological conversion (operant conditioning). This comes of course from a cabal of men (the entire board, note) of WPATH building on the success of destruction of Lesbian life started at Mitchfest to propagate an astonishingly retrogressive and malevolent fetishism on the world dressed as "Pride", affirmation, and gladness.

When you comment on "pride parade" vs "white pride", realize that it has as much to do with Lesbian and Gay freedom as "BLM" and "DEI" has to do with racial desegregation and civil rights.

It is the antithesis of the original movement, a groteseque sad parody leaving must of us cold.

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Yes, the corporatized left of Occupy Wall Street was a major factor in the rise of Woke ideology. The corporate oligarchs couldn't actually adopt the economic critique of the left and instead adopted the luxury beliefs of identity politics.

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Huh? Please, we don't need to worry about gay rights any more. Gay rights did not impinge on women's rights. In fact, men like my ex, who was probably gay, but identified as "trans" and got a pricey PhD psychologist to diagnose him as such in the first appointment, are not well served by this kind of street survey. See my last video on whether AOC considers fathers as 'mothers' when they "identify," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R51-5J-DptQ&t=329s

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“The best explanation for why straight people support gay pride is because supporting white pride is taboo.”

Seriously? How does gay pride and white pride relate?

Gay pride was about celebrating the accomplishments of the protesters at Stonewall and Harvey Milk. Essentially making it so an LGBT person (many of the protestors at Stonewall were Trans) was not harassed for being publicly LGBT.

I'm all for str8 pride versus "white pride". Str8 people are in the closet behind the closet on their sexuality. In the divided states, the "morally appropriate" str8 plan on sexuality is to date, get married, and have sex, and be monogamous in the marriage. We all know that's not what many (and I would dare to say most) in the str8 world are doing. Including people who are married. This gets into why people could care less about Trump's sex life.

Bottom line, gay pride and white pride are not something that can be compared.

I don't believe using the term "white" at all for a category makes sense in any world. I'm Danish, I don't identify as white. I celebrate my Danish heritage. The term "white" can be bucketed into two basic uses today:

a. The divided states use of the term in the census. The first census asked for free whites, all other free people and slaves. Interesting that we still have "white" on the census today. It should not be! White supremacists are tied to this initial definition of white by the divided states.

b. A term thrown by mostly Black people at what they call "white" people. In that case, the term is largely disparaging. Most people I know do not want to own the disparaging connotations thrown (Unless you're someone like Robin DeAngelo).

With that said.

Does it make sense to have Black pride? Yes. The term Black is owned by Black people in the divided states and is tied to their culture. They can have pride in Black culture in the divided states just as I can have pride in Danish culture.

I didn't get to read or hear your who discussion but just the start seems to be totally problematic.

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NONE of those involved in the Stonewall uprising were 'trans'. NONE. That is a matter of historical record. The trans cult as we know it today has emerged since the 2010's. Driven by academics who should know better and bankrolled by billionaires such as Soros. See Fred Sergeant who was actually at Stonewall, Andrew Doyle and Jennifer Bilek. Bilek has dived deep into revealing the dark money behind this degenerate cult.

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What are you talking about. Do you know Martha P. Johnson?

As for your view of what you call the "trans cult"? Just calling it by that names says suggest your only goal is reactionary, not meaningful discussion.

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"Pride goeth before a fall."

Your concerns that have become the dominant topic of your various posted writings or Street Epistemology candid public exercises in various forms of submission are now coming to resemble Double Jeopardy. I'm offering this warning after fully reading each new posted piece and viewing each new U. of Tube clip as sort of Public Interest volunteerism (that has fallen from favor faster than journalism....)

Health and balance through this most challenging New Year!

Keep on doing....

Tio Mitchito

Mitch Ritter\Paradigm Sifters, Code Shifters, PsalmSong Chasers

Lay-Low Studios, Ore-Wa (Refuge of Atonement Seekers)

Media Discussion List\Looksee

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