May 18Liked by Peter Boghossian

Really? At this point, what shouldn't be burned down? Maybe I'm biased but from where I'm standing the only thing worth saving is the Volunteer Fire Service

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Agreed. However, we were undermined by social scientists a long time ago. (See below.)

You're not alone in this. I was expelled from my PhD program for expressing interest in the COVID lockdowns for my dissertation.

Colleges seem to practice 'cancel culture,' a trend also seen in many other Western institutions. This involves marginalizing or censoring dissenting voices or controversial perspectives.

When I suggested writing my thesis on the handling of the health crisis in Quebec, my thesis advisor reacted very negatively. As a result, my academic record suffered, and I am no longer a PhD student.




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That sucks Luc. May l please ask, which university were you attending? What was your area of study? Perhaps, one of the sciences (i.e. healthcare)?

I never completed university so, the whole concept of writing a thesis, having a "Thesis Advisor" then having a thesis graded by ... God knows who is quite foreign to me.

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I pursued my social sciences studies, focusing on sociology, at Laval University. Despite already holding advanced degrees and being a published social scientist, I faced defamation.

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So, what exactly was the PhD you were denied? In simple terms you were hoping to become a Doctor of.... ?

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Nuked from space.

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And all we have to do is nothing!

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Peter ......That format (Urban Developer Dead scape?) isn't working . It did in Hungary and Puerto Rico because of the great plazas and honest kids. Need a tighter focus on speaker's face (or upper body? The site and wind sounds were distracting... I am a big fan of your message but mic up and get rid of the man on the street mic. Audio quality is a base line. Think Joe Rogan ....they wear headsets but quality is high. Much love from Philly. I say the schools are corrupt. And no valuable research. Light weights everywhere. Even my Alma Mater Cooper Union is filled wish Affirmative Action hires. The school is DOA now. DEI is a cancer....Quit teaching in 95. Dogged a bullet. Peace.

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We were told we could film here because it was a public park. When we got there were were told it was a public park that was privately owned, so we could not use our gear. We had to use our phones.

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I think there’s an argument to be made for that. However, generally speaking I’m against the burning down of things.

Let them continue to become irrelevant and build new things elsewhere. Either they will rise to the occasion or they will go away.

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This is probably going to come across as me being just a stupid old white lady with barely a college education that isn't even worthy of an opinion, but...

Why is having a BA, a BSc, a Masters and ultimately a Phd so important? I was an exceptional musician (flautist) in high school and it was expected that l should go to university and study music. Unfortunately my parents couldn't afford my tuition.

My grades were decent except for the sciences. I needed Chemistry & Physics to be accepted. I mean WTF does Chem & Physics (or Biology) have to do with playing the flute and, if lucky, teaching music to elementary kids as a career?

I ended up doing a 2 year certificate in Business Studies, moved from Canada to England and got an amazing job with a television network in their MUSIC Department. Being able to read music, bar count and identify classical and popular music was my foot in the door. It lead me up through the ranks to eventually retire as a Production Manager.

In terms of DEI, l in fact was discriminated against in 1997 by the BBC Manchester. They had a commissioned a Black Producer/Director to produce a black music series that featured black artists and they insisted on an all black crew.

HR sent me up to the PDs office for an interview and this black guy took one look at me and sent me packing. A week later HR called me and asked if l'd be willing to train, mentor, and supervise a black girl (for free and in my spare time). They wanted me to teach a girl with no musical training, and no TV studio experience what had taken me at least 20 years to perfect in a matter of months!

In those days it was called positive discrimination. To me, l called it bull shit. Who is the racist here? I believe in Darwins theory - survival of the fittest.

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Advanced degrees from certain schools could actually work against people in the future. An advanced degree could signal a type of indoctrination. Time will tell...

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I’m with Proton. And speaking of institutions that need to be burned to the ground and rebuilt/rebranded: the FBI, CIA & DNI.

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Yes. Yes. Yes. It will be far better to rebuild from the ground up. Those institutions are corrupt to the core and not salvageable, and too many people have ties to them. The only way to get rid of legacy and alumni influence is to build new institutions. The only thing worth salvaging are the endowments, which should be confiscated and used to build new institutions and reimburse students for their loans.

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We are long overdue to build new things.

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